Original "Letter man" (not David Letter man)

masamania Uncategorized

Japan has also “Letter man”. But Differently with American (David)Letter man, Japanese letter man is actually letter man ! Yes, he is true Letter man ! fuck David !

Following is his performance.

Check the letter man performance movie and try the letter man font !!

letter man

He is Mr.Takamichi Suzukawa, Guru of Omega MAsters of NaKedness.

動画でみる人間アルファベット完全版 Movie of Alphabet performance

And surprisingly,

this is FONT of Letter Man

Down load and try it!!
This font was made by Mr.DoraYuki. Thank you !! this is Mr.DoraYuki’s site

Histry of Guru of Omega MAsters of NaKedness


Omega MAsters of NaKedness





Word from Mr.Takamichi ” Don’t be fucked. Show your thingie.”

チンポ尊師のお言葉より「チxポは使うより見せろと言いたい 」

Takamichi Suzukawa

Takamichi Suzukawa (Chimpo guru)

He is GURU of Omega MAsters of NaKedness.

He is also master of MSX.

Takamichi Suzukawa official site


オメガ全裸教 教祖 MSXにも造詣が深い




  1. Let’s see him do some kana.
    I want to see his interpretation of ヨ.
    ==========================================from MasaManiA
    Yes, He also have Kana version.
    I will post in near future sir.

  2. Hey, you’ve posted this article months ago haven’t you? Why do you upload it up by now?
    Isn’t there any server misconfiguration or something?
    If the reason is that you couldn’t locate new article so you’ve shown my article making it look like new one, I’ll be really crossed with you!

  3. Pock says:

    Hey, you’ve posted this article months ago haven’t you? Why do you upload it up by now?
    Isn’t there any server misconfiguration or something?
    If the reason is that you couldn’t locate new article so you’ve shown my article making it look like new one, I’ll be really crossed with you!

  4. cc says:

    I think the funniest thing is what happens when you take all the capital letters from “Omega MAsters of NaKedness Organization”…
    O M A N.. oops, I heard it is illegal to print that in Japan?

  5. Ayane says:

    I love this site, its soo crazy!

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