Instant noodle is one of advanced technology of Japan

masamania Uncategorized

Dinner while driving is not popular (especially for driver) in Japan.
When we enjoy driving by my friend car, suddenly he start to eat instant noodle while driving. Differently from hambager, eating noodle require two hands. One hands must hold bowl and the other handle shop stick. It means that there are no hands to hold stearing. Eating noodle while driving need really highly skill. At that time, I understand the reason we don’t have noodle drive-throguh shop.
I beg him to stop enjoy dinner. I try to persuade him to stop eating. I told him the dangerousness of driving by elbow while eating.. but at the same time, I knew it maybe impossible to stop eating noodle. Because Japanese instant noodle is incredibly delicious.
In Japan, instant noodle is the most popular fast food. Tell the truth, instant noodle is not so convenient as a fast food because it need boiled water. And after pourig it, we must wait three minutes to eat it in ideal condition. Instant noodle cannot be eaten instantly.
But Jap love to eat it. Why ? because it’s dericious !
You will say, “Hey, what’s a fucking Jap. Isn’t it just a fast food, right ? what’s a fucking pitty people you are. Jap is looser !?EHold on sir. Before saying such thing, please try Japanese instant noodle. And you understand what I mean.
Tell the truth, noodle came from China. But we have customized it. We have really lots of viriety of taste in instant noodle. Soy source soup, Miso soup, solt soup, pig bone suop pig back bone oil soup, etc. and each instant noodle have optional seasoning like a powder soup, requid soup, freaze dry vegetable, vacuum packing soup, pouch-pack pork ham. Etc.
Our advanced thechnology have been throw into instant noodle. I think it’s good usage of scientist compare to somewhere country that gather scientists from all around world to make atomic bomb to kill pretty Jap.
But at the same time, we are so much stupid that while using our intelligence to creat delicious fast food, our company is eaten by foreign investers.
Yes, we seem to be crazed with enjoy eating and forget to drive important thing.
Instead of giving instant noodle to Jap driver, give finger !



  1. Caroline says:

    Ramen is the best!
    In the picture, the guy is on the left side of the car, isn’t it in Japan that the steering wheel is on the right? Or was it a foriegn car?
    ==========================from MasaManiA
    YEs, Jap car is right handle. but he ride Chevrolet.

  2. Naoki says:

    hi! Masa I’m sorry but I can’t understand…do you love Japan? do you hate Japan? do you love America? do you hate America? please tell me! this fucking website is too strange!
    ====================from MasaManiA
    It’s not a matter. i am just a mania of the truth

  3. puz says:

    hehe, I know how you feel. Having people concentrate on everything else than the road sucks. let’s hope your friend don’t kill a schoolgirl on her way home, all while having a noodle dinner.

  4. j says:

    Excellent story. Jap instant noodles are all over the world.

  5. Woody says:

    I understand you, I like instant noodles very much, too, although in Basque Country i´ts hard to find it

  6. Rigo says:

    Yes I’m the first to post

  7. lipinha says:

    You made me want to try instant noodle^^

  8. BakaSeki says:

    your friend is eating Nissin Cup Noodle, isn’t he?
    What “instant ramen” do you like?
    Why don’t we put up a vote on the Top 5 instant noodles that people who visit this site like?
    =================from MasaManiA
    YEs. i cannot decide best instant noodle. every thing is delicious

  9. Dae_Dae says:

    Your friend is very stupid but Japanese noodlees are very delicious. Yay the finger is back!

  10. Zine2Taka says:

    Its been a long time since your last post Masa! I’m Glad to see you are back. Though I have a question about that picture. I though japanese cars drive with steering wheel on the left side?
    Anyways Instant Noodles are Fucking Delicious!!
    ==================from MasaManiA
    His car is Chevrolet, American car

  11. hugh says:

    we have instant noodles called Pot Noodles here in the UK, copied from the Japanese idea of instant noodles but they are definitely not delicious 🙁 Even the company that makes them calls them the “slag of all snacks”

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has eating instant noodles caused car crashes?
    =============from MasaManiA

  13. Felix says:

    Indeed, instant noodles are delicious. I am living on my own right now, and I lack the ability to cook, so instant noodles are the only thing I eat.
    I would probably be dead if it weren’t for instant noodles.
    Possibly the greatest invention ever to come from Japan. た

  14. Jemi says:

    I’ve tried instant noodles before, but they weren’t Japanese, they were Korean. Is there a difference between the two?
    ====================from MasaManiA
    Yes, completely different.

  15. Edviziuz says:

    One of these days he will crash and his delicious instant noodles will land on his nuts.

  16. Thurston says:

    I live in Japan and have just quit 12 years of being vegetarian. I want to try Jap instant noodles if they are so delicious. What kind do you reccomend?
    ==============from MasaManiA
    THere are really so many kinds of it. You can try any one.

  17. donbo says:

    happy to read you again.
    too much monosodium glutinate in those noodles.
    do not drive like that.
    in USA we have checkpoints for cops to see you are not drinking and driving, maybe jap police must check for eating people. Thankyou

  18. Missy says:

    Hi Masa! Glad you’re back! Japanese noodles are indeed very tasty!

  19. Mo says:

    Hey Masa!
    At first i wanna tell you that your site is great.
    You showed me many aspects off Japan i haven’t known about yet. But back to topic: You are right, japanese instant noodle soups are so great, don’t know any better “fast-food”, espacially instant yakisoba allthough there are no soups.
    By the way: you can even by those Nissin Cup noodles here in Germany, but when i’ll come to japan in order to visit my relatives i have to try all those beeing not avaible over here ^^

  20. Ricky says:

    when I come to Japan,
    we must hang out together!

  21. Ryan says:

    Good to hear from you again Masa! Your friend needs a “fuck you!” for driving without his hands on the wheel! We get lots of different different instant noodles here in America from Maruchan. They are delicious, and VERY cheap!

  22. Face says:

    Masa! I was worried, after last post that some horrible street-racing accident had befalled you. Yay for updates!
    How did your friend get a Chevrolet? Do all American brand cars exported to Japan have left steering wheels, or was his originally made for American roads?
    If it was, how did it get to Japan?
    ===================from MasaManiA
    USA car is popular among one young maniac group. i will report in future

  23. hoax says:

    Hi , Masa !
    I had a vietnamese friend . His mother imported instant noodles for her family. They were the best instant noodles . I cannot find them anywhere in America. The noodles were in a package like top ramen , but inside there were 2 flavor packets. one was powder , one was liquid. The noodles were spicy , and they had a cartoon cow on the package.Yum !

  24. dementia says:

    There are instant noodles in the Philippines too but I think Nissin was the first who made it here. Isn’t Nissin a Japanese brand?
    ================From MasaManiA

  25. SPIKE23 says:

    Hahaha yea instant noodle is good, so much MSG though that shit is bad for you if u eat it lots. I like how u mention china to give the reader’s original origin of the food. Also lol scientist to blow up pretty jap ahaha i love that. Yea blow up man blow up ahaha.

  26. Pirate Steve says:

    I too know the unbridled joy of instant noodles. They can be orgasmic, but having sexual intercourse with noodles is a skill that takes time to master!

  27. rolly says:

    Instant noodles aren’t tasty. They taste like cardboard, compared to real noodles. They are convenient, however. I always buy a few, and eat them when I have no food in the house.
    I know that Nissin made special space noodles for Astronaut Noguchi.
    I must ask, how did he get the hot water to boil the noodles in the car? Is there a heater that plugs into the car’s electrical system? Or does he eat them cold.
    ==================from MasaManiA
    It’S good point. He got hot water at convinience store. all Japanese convinience store give hot water for instant noodle eater

  28. pm says:

    This post makes me hungry

  29. kasi says:


  30. pm says:

    You do a lot of stories about homeless people. Do you like homeless people?

  31. Edo says:

    Hey Masa’s back!!!!
    Good to see you back.
    Did you give the finger to your legal problems?
    Ramen rocks.
    ==============From MasaManiA
    I forget

  32. Pirate Mike says:

    I had some instant noodles yesterday during Typhoon Talim here in Taiwan. They were ok, but once I was finished there was too much goo left over that I didn’t want to eat. So I flushed it down the toilet. Unfortunately, this has left a bright orange stain on the bowl. No doubt, this will be a turn-off for the ladies. I am using various chemicals to remove the stain. But just imagine: if instant noodles can do this to a toilet bowl, what do they do to your insides?
    ================from MasaManiA
    What are you afraid of sir ?
    we are asian, we smoke, we eat dog, we eat cat and we eat instant noodle !
    THe meaning of europian taste noodle is the noodle contain europian people’s meat in the noodle !

  33. Trashy Anna says:

    HeyMasa, I am a long time reader and lover of this site! I just had to reply to this entry, cause I am a student and instant noodles sustain both me and my love of learning… Without instant noodles, my life would be full of hunger and pain. Instant noodles are the best, and here in australia we have instant noodles from all round the world! Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malayasia, Singapore, and even crap Aussie imitation ones.
    There’s nothing better than a 30-packet box full on Indo Mi Goreng noodles, I should try and suss out some more Japanese ones.. the ‘instant miso’ soup packs are quite popular too 🙂
    Nice work Masa, and fuck you! 😛

  34. Pirate Mike says:

    Even though I am in Taiwan, I’m not Asian, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat dog, I don’t eat cat … but I do – sometimes – eat instant noodle.
    Now that you tell me that europian taste noodles contain europian people’s meat I will have to consider eating Asian instant noodles more often.
    This may be truth, but it also has a lot of mania to it.
    =====================from MasaManiA
    Do you know that there are famous noodle snack, the name of “Baby star noodle” in Japan.
    it’s true.

  35. Pirate Mike says:

    And it contains Baby stars! That’s awful!
    ===================from MasaManiA
    Be careful at the next war.

  36. Pirate Mike says:

    The Japanese are a very cruel people.
    ==================from MasaManiA
    You know, “Remember Perl Harber ” is for Japanese people’s word.

  37. Pirate Mike says:

    You should check out boring CNN. Thanks to Hurricane Katrina the US looks like Pearl Harbor all over again.
    ====================from MasaManiA
    It’s bad news.
    but good news is damage of Hurricane Katrina is less than Hiroshima.

  38. Pirate Mike says:

    For me, the best news is that the damage from Typhoon Talim was less than the damage from instant noodle.
    ================from MasaManiA
    after all, we get damage in modern society even if whatever we do.

  39. ha says:

    pirate mike, you’re a dick

  40. I love those nissin cup noodles 2 for 1 dollar.
    Masa do you get western flavor type of instant noodles in japan? such as chili picante flavor?
    How many flavors do nissin have in japan?
    ===============from MasaManiA
    I dont know. every month they add new flavor.

  41. Johnny Action says:

    It’s good to see that the japanese have been touched by his noodly appendage. All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
    FSM is a religion that worships a flying sphaghetti monster…

  42. Maciek says:

    hi Masa!
    could you recommend me the best, in your opinion, brand of noodles?
    ====================from MasaManiA
    Every thing

  43. To be honest….. I reckon Korean instant noodle is better. They make them much more spicey! My Japanese girlfriend can’t eat spicey food ^_^

  44. eee says:

    great masa you are back!!!

  45. Kenji says:

    Masa-san!@! welcome back!!! i missed you and this site so much!!

  46. Blaze says:

    Masa that was the funniest damn article you’ve ever posted. My stomach hurts from laughing.
    You’re one hilarious bastard.

  47. MYsticMoon says:

    tht is nissin cup noodle. singapore has those.but no pig soup ^ ^ cos of malay fren here. just curry/seafood/chicken/no beef. but it taste not really tht great. n it not very healty either..

  48. Hexxenn says:

    Awesome! You’re back Masa! I love ramen noodles!

  49. Wanpo says:

    Hey Masa,
    I had some pretty damn good Instant Ramen when I was in Japan, but I’m not a big fan of hebi, so I had to take those little guys out FUCK YOU HEBI!
    And good news for me, A Ramen Bar opened up 5 seconds away from my front door, it’s a little more expensive than instant ramen, but some cool Japanese dude goes “Irasshaimase” when you walk in which makes it worth the extra money.
    Do you think Nissin will ever make ramen that goes “Irasshaimase” when you open it up?

  50. nervouk says:

    Masa, you crack me up… again
    instant noodles CAN be instant, but without water, and break teeth. Have you ever tried it like that?

  51. Guy Jin says:

    You think eating friggin’ noodle while driving is dangerous? You should see how the Japanese housewives drive their big FU Lexus and Mercs in my town in Shizuoka! And that’s with both hands on the friggin’ steering wheel. Saw one almost wrap a Lexus round a stanchion in a multi-storey car park the other day, doin’ 30 mph down the ramp!
    Come on Masa… How about some pix of dangerous Japanese housewife drivers, preferably naked… (in fact definitely naked). It would do gangbusters.
    Welcome back!

  52. thedude says:

    Masa good work again! Can you take some pictures of 2 chome Shinjuku? I want to see what the gay community is like. Please be brave and find out. You can do it. The Mania of truth should not be afraid of dick ok?

  53. John says:

    Masa, I think this is my favorite site. MAKISOBA IS THE BEST!

  54. meichu says:

    yup yup yup!!
    we love those instant noodles especially here in the philippines!!
    its the staple food of cramming college students. even though they’re usually tasteless, as long as it can fill your tummy. anyway, when you lack sleep, everything tastes the same.

  55. pm says:

    im boiling some Top Ramen now because this post made me hungry for it:) But I found out it has MSG in it 🙁

  56. To the guy who posted – “hi! Masa I’m sorry but I can’t understand…do you love Japan? do you hate Japan? do you love America? do you hate America? please tell me! this fucking website is too strange!” – Did ‘all of the above’ never cross your mind as a possibility? Wow, welcome to the exciting world of nuance!! 🙂 You’ve just taken your first step towards stopping being an idiot who believes in total black & white, left & right polarized ‘viewpoints’ in every single situation. Next step is to stop watching TV. Have fun! 🙂
    Masa; great article as usual. Makes me hungry!! In fact I probably should eat now!… I’m sure if i’d done so sooner I wouldn’t be posting provocative statements like the one above directed at people who I don’t even know at all.

  57. Datsun says:

    Masa, great work!
    Is the van/car in the picture a left-hand drive model?
    I have made my own noodles using home Japanese method, but they did not turn out so well. Is there somewhere you can recommend for English instructions for making Japanese style noodles?
    ==============from MasaManiA
    Just pour boiled water.

  58. John says:

    There’s nothing wrong with MSG. It just gives SOME people headaches.

  59. Lady Wormwood says:

    Wow! Look at all the instant noodle! I wish I could go to the grocery store here in America and have that many choices.
    I like Ramen and Cup of Noodles. Most of the time you only have the kind with the powdered seasoning. Not many flavors either, just chicken, pork, beef, shrimp.
    Ramen is the perfect midnight snack. I get off work at night, and too lazy to cook something. I just throw Ramen in the microwave. Too lazy to even boil it.
    In America, we consider it stupid to drive with just one hand. I can’t imagine eating instant noodle while driving. Pretty stupid.

  60. Nick says:

    Masa this site is sugoi great pictures of kuruma and Wangan this site is tanoshi keep up the goos work. MAta ne

  61. naranjita says:

    i wish they’d sell more varieties of instant noodles here. getting a little tired of eating chicken noodles all the time, i don’t like the other varieties they have here 🙁
    (mushroom, some spicy thing i don’t even recognize, seafood and squid, it’s a very poor selection)
    but they’re very practical for people on the go! the person in the photos has just proved this, in a way, literally! 😀

  62. Tony no Genshin says:

    I don’t know if you guys realize this in Japan, but at least 3/4 of the college students in the United States eat some sort of ramen noodles. They’re usually Nissin Cup Noodle, but I eat Maruchan. I enjoy the creamy chicken.

  63. Alc says:

    The best instant noodles I ever had was on an airplane ride to Japan. the Japanese guy sitting next to me said they were going to be the best, they were the best, and best is right, they were the best instant noodles I’ve ever had.
    Problem with cup noodles though is it is harder to just crush and eat like potato chips. Thai instant noodles in bags is good for that.
    Thai instant noodles are also great. I think they are tied with Japanese cup noodles.

  64. chinaman says:

    is police also drive and eating instant noodle same time?

  65. Sakura no Ippai says:

    I eat ramen at lunch every day at my job.
    Very fast but I did not like that so much spicy I just add part of it to the ramen.
    Ah damn computer this have not the program to write with kanji
    I’m in a weird country living in here but I buy my ramen at a korean supermarket ^^
    This is getting very popular in the europe and usa. I don’t like that. Is all Kishimoto’s fault.

  66. jBrian in Texas says:

    You know Masa, all over the world all students and all poor immigrant people give thanks to GOD for the jap people and their intelligent scientists for almost instant jap noodle soup so that they have energy enough to study and to go to work and to fuck and to have extra money to buy shares in jap companies. Thanks to jap noodle technology for making USA strong and thanks to you MasaMan for always helping me to see the truth.

  67. Nigel says:

    I eat japanese instand noodles everday but my Chinese friends say that if I eat it everyday I will die because it’s bad for me 🙁

  68. bliz says:

    instant noodles are high in saturated fat from palm oil and ajinomoto…junk food
    but i like it

  69. lennonist says:

    Japanese rat you are all cruel bastards!
    Remember Nanking!

  70. 42 says:

    I like to eat the spicy noodles here in Korea…I usually add extra spice, though. The funniest thing is when I get a bowl of spicy noodles, my Korean friends always try to warn me. They say that the noodles are too hot for Americans. I tell them I’ll be ok, but they still try to warn me, even as I add more chile flavor. They never seem to understand what I mean when I tell them ‘I’m from New Mexico. I grew up on Habaneros.’
    The other trick is using food from your own kitchen and throwing away the dried veggie/meat flavor packets and the oil packet (if you cook Udon).

  71. Pacifica says:

    Japan ramen is oishii! I eat those. XDDD
    Nissin brand, and a lot others. The udon and soba is also very very tasty. I know it has MSG, so I always drink green tea later to clean it off. And eat some natto, follow the Japanese and you will be ok. You can also drink brown vinegar + honey, its a Japanese health tonic and it makes you healthier (if you are so worried about effects of MSG on health, take a tonic man)
    Yes I eat baby star brand too in Isetan here. It is snack, no need hot water.

  72. Suze says:

    hey masa!
    i’ve read almost all your postings now, but this one is my favourite! it’s freaking hilarious 😀
    and.. your friend looks hot. tell him that, will you?
    ================from MasaManiA
    i will, thank you

  73. Lim Lynn says:

    Eating while driving. Steering wheel. Delicious Stop by to enjoy dinner. Fast food restaurant with a drive through parking lot Hey what wrong with Japanese people? Why pity Japanese people? Japanese people are loser. Hold on sir before you say such statement try some instant noodle. Variety. Miso soup derived from soy, beef flavor, pig’s bone based soup and chicken’s bone based soup.

    • admin says:

      Hi, Lim!
      The reason we, Japanese need to be hurry to eat is, we have lots of delicious instant foods that we want to eat!

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