Fuck Bush is trendy in Japan


Shibuya young guy f**k bush !

I have no intend to be proud, but we won at the Russian war in the past. We wan to China, Korean etc.
but we could not win to America. We got atomic bomb twice and lost.
After that, Japanese law was made by America. For lots of Japs, going to America become popular dream.
Lots of students (especially hillbilly people) and baseball player (Yes, lots of basebally player is hillbilly) want to go to America.
Our prime minister, Koizumi scare Bush shit and obey US policy. We have lots of US military bases, coke, Macdnald, Disney land.
Yoko Ono run away from Japan to America and fucked by White people and live in USA. She is the symbol of Japanese dream.
If other country people see this situation, Jap seem ass hole same as US jack ass.
Yes, lots of snob people is that.
But don’t worry sir, some people also hate Bush. fuck Bush ! fuck bush is popular trend in Japan now.
I hope Japanese people who hate bush is not for following American fasion, but for the political reason.
And be careful, fuck FCUK is not trendy in Japan.


  1. droll says:

    yeah man, fuck bush!

  2. droll says:

    bush can go to hell!

  3. Factory says:

    Well his father was the guy who vomited on your PM, so like maybe it’s like poetic revenge or something. Blah, fuck him and Kerry, they are both facile little rich boys.
    (OTOH have you noticed how much longer that skateboard guy’s finger is than yours.. hmm 🙂 )
    (and the USSR kicked Japanese arse in WW2)

  4. elle says:


  5. mark says:

    Lots of pent up feelings in that blog post. Japanese people should be happy their leaders are smart enough to have taken the route they took… would you rather have had the wartime leaders stick around and let the US bomb the country into incineration?
    Japan made out pretty good, and Koizumi is continuing a strong push towards more independence. He’s made a smart alliance with the US stronger.
    You make fun of Japanese hillbilies, but you sound like one yourself.

  6. Rasputin says:

    I think we are all going to be reporting to China one day. I hope they got rid of those damn Mongolians so they can take down the walls.
    Thanks for *TWO* middle finger fuck-you pictures in one update!! Awesome.
    I thought Japs would like Bush. You guys are so little that I thought you would be scared of Kerry. He scares the sh*t out of me and his wife is even worse.
    thanks for your work.

  7. tom says:

    Bush is a fucking moron.
    FYI: “Fuck Bush” is a double entendre: it means “Fuck [George] Bush”, but “Bush” can also mean vagina.

  8. Muahahha says:

    fuck both…bush and kerry…who cares anyway? just fuck my pussy…..i need it bad

  9. shakuhachi says:

    I live in America, and I can say from the bottom of my heart, FUCK BUSH!!!

  10. zhi yang says:

    damn, i wish i can get fuck bush here in my country. too bad my govt is too usa lovin.

  11. sorry, but your “fuck bush” campaign is exactly the same as popular youth fashion in the usa. just copying usa again! why not rebel by supporting democracy and representative government. I can guarantee it will never catch on with young people on this side of the pacific ocean.

  12. Namazu says:

    America is Devil:
    – killed all redskins races.
    – Terrorsit attack on Hiroshima and Nagazaki with atomic bomb (this is Terrorist attack not war, Japanese army was dead since a while.
    – America has the higher rate of polution, gas emission etc…
    – america invented the “I love money and live for money society”.
    – America’s food is big shit which make people fat.
    – America invest only in army research, and look for war for econimical reasons.
    – America gvt often lies and want to steal petrol.
    America was great before ww2 but after it became the 1st world power it is a big shitty country with dum ass people who support a evil president and GVT.
    because it is an only 200 years old country, America is like a 14years old asshole teenager, people play, enjoy, are busy, and don’t mind about what happen in the world, don’t listen to others, believe itself a king, don’t even know what is culture…

  13. steve cooley says:

    I totally agree with you!! Make love, FUCK war!

  14. Asian says:

    Remember what the nip japs did 5o years!?!?

  15. CFizzLe says:

    LoL ignorant fuck head, learn some fucking history before posting that stupid shit.
    And by the way, Europeans killed the Indians/Redskins you fuck face. Yes, we are descendants from them but that was in the past and done by people from fucking Spain and shit.

  16. Andrew says:

    HAHAHAHA. Yea man nice verison of history. I love japan and i am from USA. I love your Culture…but if that is what they teach you in school..japan education must suck. How about Pearl Harbor???? Also our food is friggan delicious. Fat people are fat because of genes and lack of self control. ALSO who invented low-carb diet Americans. We have more friggan diet plans then any other country im sure. BECAUSE our food is so damn good people don’t stop eating it. Also the whole war for oil thing..give it up gas prices are high as hell. Both Bush and Kerry are idiots in their own way. So instead of Fuck Bush, Fuck Vote.

  17. 18.10 says:

    Fuck Bush, and fuck Yoko Ono as well!

  18. zuhenia says:

    Yeah you are right guys! Fuck Bush!
    But you cannot vote anyways, so who cares that you do not like bush??????

  19. Teshi says:

    “the whole war for oil thing..give it up gas prices are high as hell.”
    Man, gas prices aren’t high. Over in Europe they pay gas in double digits. As high as $13 a gallon. I don’t really agree with this “oil war” right now either. Also, politics is just choosing the lesser of two evils and in my opinion, Vote Kerry!.

  20. let's not argue on internet says:

    >our food is so damn good people don’t stop eating it.
    When you say ‘good’ i assume you mean ‘full of Monosodium Glutamate and Aspartame’? 🙂

  21. chris says:

    i am a white american and we are the devil. ph34r.
    oh yeah, fuck bush.

  22. Morg says:

    Fuck Bush and fuck America! Japs, make your way and don’t imitate those stupid Gringos.

  23. thenouse says:

    Sorry but I have to say food in the US is really shit for the most part. With the notable exceptions of the mighty breakfast and carna asade burittos.
    People are fat because the food contains too much sugar. Driving your fat ass to the gym doesnt help either.

  24. the Dusty1 says:

    I agree fuck Bush….stupid fuck…every1’s gotta agree…bush is pretty dumb…I know ppl with mental disabilities with more intellectual prowess than bush..(seriously man im not kidding)…how the hell did someone with characteristics like that of an amoeba become president of the most powerful country in the world?!?!…WTF…. fuck it…smoke bud – hug – and be in love.

  25. Namazu says:

    Anyway US GVT is the devil for the world and for it’s own people. US economy is expanding because of war. Destroy a country, and then rebuilt it calling and giving priority to US companies to invest in. and by the way we do not teach US is devial at school, life teach us so. I can tell you man, you will have more terrorist attack in your country from islamist who have nothing to loose and don’t mind about they poor life. It was exactly the same with pearl harbor, we (Japanese) had nothing to loose, our country needed food, spaces, oil… but USA setted up an embargo. We haven’t no choice about pearl harbor. World should remember the dead of pearl harbor where soldier died, and forgot hiroshima and nagasaki’s civilian dead people… Because USA shows itself as the Good Power who care about weaks.
    From your cartoon to your movies, we can see a floating US flag, and the message that said BUSH : “america must lead the world” let me think you are imperialist. Anyway I know american people are living in the “matrix” and you can’t see what really happen when you live in it, especially when they watch the matrix masters: CNN and Fox News.

  26. Annoyed says:

    All I’m going to say here is that the Japanese don’t have a right to call the bombings “terrorist acts” because if I recall correctly, didn’t your country torture and kill thousands of Chinese and attack Pearl Harbor? If those aren’t terrorist acts, I don’t know what is.

  27. zip: says:

    i judt dont like any of the cannidates but i like bushes morals better than kerrys kerry has no good religious morals and thats just me tho to be honest they both suck but man is there a lotta hate in all your comments …… its kinda sad when you think about it.

  28. Brandon says:

    I bet you it’s just a trend like it is here in the U.S, Masa. I bet you 65 percent of those people don’t even know why they hate Bush, it’s just the fashionable thing right now. More people need to follow their own ideals instead of going along with everyone else. Kerry sucks too!

  29. Ugly American says:

    I’m with Colin on the a-bomb thing. YOU guys started that shit, not us. Also, your troops under the emperor were about the most evil and barbaric criminals the world has ever seen. Go Google Batan+death+march or rape+Nanking for some examples. So “Fuck Bush”? Fuck YOU!

  30. bunny2002sg says:

    I’m not gonna take any sides, all I’m gonna say is…

  31. CFizzle says:

    Namazu is a perfect example of an ignorant person.
    You do know your country wouldn’t be the same economical power it is today without the massive help it got from U.S. after WW2 right? RIGHT?!

  32. 白人ファック says:

    ファック ブッシュ! 
    Fuck Bush!

  33. Happy says:

    “I hope Japanese people who hate bush is not for following American fasion, but for the political reason.”
    I fail to see your political reasons for hating Bush, perhaps you forgot to include them? This seems like a baseless “trendy” rant to me…

  34. fucky says:

    bush is bitch?

  35. Namazu says:

    “Namazu is a perfect example of an ignorant person.
    You do know your country wouldn’t be the same economical power it is today without the massive help it got from U.S. after WW2 right? RIGHT?!”
    I do not like what my country became, because of USA. Because of your country morals or spirit people are only interested in money, big cars, always talking about that. But we want work harder than you anyway we couldn’t. Culture gap is too big thus you cannot understand my thought.
    Also Europe has been helped by US, but they don’t have to obey to US government, whereas Koizumi obey to Bush as Mori, and others Japan prime minister and politics did it.
    You haven’t seen Battle Royal 2?
    you should, you will understand that many Japanese are against USA and dislike them, and also do you know trendy T-shirt you can buy in ameyoko or elsewhere? “KICHIKU BEIHEI” written on it.
    Fuck bush isn’t a fashion in here at all, as in Europe we do not like USA gvt.
    Go on buying Japanese cars, electronics devices, camera, animation and video games please, I may be richer some days.
    sorry for my poor english level.

  36. marky mark says:

    Wait Namazu, I still don’t understand why you do not like the US. First of all you sound like a spoild brat; “I don’t like the US because they made us really really rich, but we have no morals.” Fucking get some morals. You are better off than the >60% of the world that has poverty, crime, AIDS, war, and other problems.
    Anyway, your reasons for hating the US sound plain wrong. Basically there are two routes Japan could have taken after near the end of WWII that directly affect Japan of today; 1) wartime leaders could have continued to be hostile to the US, in which case our country and Japan would have fought an even more vicious war where millions more would have futilly died and Japan would likely have been reduced to a radioactive hole, or 2) the situation that actually took place in which Japan surrendered, and allied with the US, which made the country rich and the people able to get good paying jobs fairly easily, and companies are now able to get huge loans where they do not have to preform and can run up million dollar debts. You are now a rich-assed welfare state, with some competitive international companies.
    Now think, you don’t like the US because your leaders are so cozy with the US… but it is such a relationship that has caused the #2 outcome; a rich Japan. It seems like to me, that this is the smarter outcome, and that Japanese leaders should be commended for making their country rich, rather than needlessly sacrificing their entire population during WWII.
    I’d like to know some real examples of how the US treats European countries better than Japan. Do you have any? Otherwise, your case for hating the US seems kind of baseless.
    Are you upset about US military bases in Japan? Well, US military bases in Japan actually is Japan’s advantage over the US- we Americans have to pay billions of dollars in tax money to our government each year to subsidize our military efforts in Japan so that your country can be safe. Your leaders are getting billions of dollars of military protection for FREE.
    If you really want to be free of the US then you would support Koizumi’s policies of building up Japan’s military capabilities. That way in the future you can change your constitution, build up your military so that you will be safe from China, let the US leave, and finally not be able to worry about US troops on your soil.
    By the way, parts of Battle Royale are about the path one can take if they desire to live. Japan’s leaders acquiesed to the US in order to save their country, and now you have one of the safest and richest countries in the world. Sure you may have cultural problems, but isn’t that for the Japanese people to struggle with? Blaming the US isn’t going to help your situation.

  37. Iron Man says:

    Actually, my country has about 5000 people that die from Aids every day (more so now that Bush has stopped funding any relief organisations that support the use of condoms).
    And all of us hate Bush. The man is fucking panty waste that should have been flushed the moment he was born. But fuck that. And fuck you. Fuck everything America stands for: Lies, greed, oil, processed cheese, MTV, a dumbass flag, apple pie, stupid sitcoms, Tivo, Bic Macs, pimpled overweight teenagers/adults/everyone, the destruction of democracy (you can only vote for two people…and you call that a democracy?), fuck it all, send it to hell and please don’t come back you Nazi fuck heads who are ruining the rest of the world for everyone else. Fuck off.

  38. Namazu says:

    don’t missunderstand… I do not like us gvt not america or american people. I may dislike my country and put the causes on USA, because Japan is a hard capitalist country because of USA: hard working all life time.

  39. Shinter says:

    How about big F U C K B U S H from Minnesota USA. I hade that sucker and i hate american foreign policy.

  40. xavilejio says:

    1o fuck bush and his rich chiefs
    America goes 4 years with a president subnormal who alone is a marionette and the americans you are idiotic if volveis to voting, Vuestra mejor defensa es no crear enemigos y llevais 30 anos haciendolo. Lo que teneis os lo haveis ganado a pulso y bush lo va a seguir empeorando.

  41. AnotherAsian says:

    I’ve gotta say this too. FUCK BUSH!!
    And fuck whoever supports him (or whoever goes round killing others just because he has the power too).

  42. Renato-kun says:

    Fuck this freaking Bush!!!

  43. Masamaru says:

    watashi wa itariajin dese
    totemo kawaii picture
    matane gomenn

  44. CTDeLude says:

    Wow, quite a bit of love around here…
    Love and ignorance….

  45. dork says:

    to Namazu:
    shut the fuck up you idiotic dumbass. stop whining about how much you hate the U.S. and how the U.S ruined your country. Like hell! Japan ruined a whole shitload of other asian countries too, asshole. Trying to take over other countries and claim them as your own. NICE!
    and then you guys go around writing bullshit about how the U.S attacked the Japanese first. Bloodly idiots.

  46. Brandon says:

    “Actually, my country has about 5000 people that die from Aids every day (more so now that Bush has stopped funding any relief organisations that support the use of condoms).
    And all of us hate Bush. The man is fucking panty waste that should have been flushed the moment he was born. But fuck that. And fuck you. Fuck everything America stands for: Lies, greed, oil, processed cheese, MTV, a dumbass flag, apple pie, stupid sitcoms, Tivo, Bic Macs, pimpled overweight teenagers/adults/everyone, the destruction of democracy (you can only vote for two people…and you call that a democracy?), fuck it all, send it to hell and please don’t come back you Nazi fuck heads who are ruining the rest of the world for everyone else. Fuck off.”
    Don’t judge a whole fucking country by the acts of the people that run it. Not all of us agree with the stuff that goes on or see eye to eye with our president and no, not all of us are evil, heartless pieces of shit. Broad generalizations can really fuck up the point you’re trying to make, dude.

  47. Shae says:

    Official USA reason why Japan surrendered in WWII : The Russians were about to invade Japan.
    Official Japanese reason why Japan surrendered in WWII : The Russians were about to invade Japan.
    The atomic bomb was just a nice excuse for the Japanese to end the war on an ‘attrocity’ and the surrender helped the USA justify its use.
    BOTH Japan and the USA are imperialist. The ONLY country to be convicted of terroism it the USA.
    Japanese tourtured to death thousands of civilians including Chinese, Indonesian and Australians as well as many other people. The bomb was NOTHING compared to that.

  48. General Tojo says:

    Fuck you all.
    Except Yoko Ono. Too old and ugly. She’s lucky Lennon fuck her.

  49. Dejiko says:

    What’s all the fuss about Bush or Kerry anyway? Don’t you know the USA is run by a bunch of computers named after dead presidents, 5 km beneath the Pentagon? Well, they pretty much admitted that in MGS2!

  50. Nikki says:

    Over half of Americans hate Bush too. He is a war machine. The average American just wants to live in peace and have a happy,modest life. It is only rich people like the politicians who benefit from war while they send middle class soldiers off to fight and die. The 2000 elections were neck and neck and because of the miscounting of votes, he won. In November I am voting against Bush and I hope enough of us in the U.S. do.

  51. Lyme says:


  52. brazilian says:

    I thought there weren´t any japanese who hate Bush!! Nice!!!

  53. inamix says:

    mmmm… bush…tastes like maccy D’s and BSE
    i’m guessing these presidential elections will have the highest voting rate in a long time.On many peoples behalf I’d just like to say to the candidates
    “One of these days, I’m gonna punch you in the face!”
    if your bored, read adbusters ….or time magazine lol

  54. rychtamin says:

    I Love Japenese very much!!!
    I intend to visit your country…
    the Czech Republic (Europe Union)

  55. moustique says:

    j’ai rien compris

  56. kusai_americajin says:

    Masa: awesome.
    Half the fucking americans on this site: FUCK! You act like spoiledd kids when someone insults your mommy. Just because America has done some good things in the past doesn’t make Bush a good man. and yeah, Japan’s done some nasty shit in the past. So have we. We’re still fucking doing it, and they’re not, mostly.
    Don’t give me any of that “our military is keeping you safe” crap, either.

  57. Bush says:

    I was thinking that you japs were west-minded people, man, have hear what Namazu and most said, it’s a great matter to us leaning toward for Australia…
    You japs are being envious, you needed to attack us suddenly and cowardly cause you haven’t balls to face us mano-a-mano and can’t compare yours 2 inches long(hahahaha) cocks to our endowment…hahahhahaha!
    First off all, stop being a ass and lean toward for our side, what can you get from East? I think we shouldn’t stood still just for watch if you’ll be someday like us(well you are, but i was meaning it about before WWII)…
    and Moral concepts? sheesh man, these moral concepts were very valued when kamikazes usually would hit themselves against our ships…”The warrior is the first of men, as the chrysanthemum is the first of flowers” *FASCISM!*, suggest you to watch the movie “The Last Emperor” and see how you japs would take control of whole thing, and you were being against WEST, no?
    Then you’re near closer to islamic fundamentalists than another one…traditions, moral concepts, i’ve seen it before…
    “But fuck that. And fuck you. Fuck everything America stands for: Lies, greed, oil, processed cheese, MTV, a dumbass flag, apple pie, stupid sitcoms, Tivo, Bic Macs, pimpled overweight teenagers/adults/everyone, the destruction of democracy (you can only vote for two people…and you call that a democracy?)…”
    Ok, and fuck japan for another different reasons: sexually perverted and restrained(are you all queer?) so ugly that yours cartoons picture y’all as sharpen-eyed people, stupid inventions(squared watermelons?), buttless women, wandering for free violence(one of your most beloved traditions), for machismo, stupid Sci-Fi animes, gays characters herein in most, Akira Kuroshawa and for create Pokemon(egck!) and blood thirsty samurai and ninjas. sums it up in a nutshell and look to a mirror…
    So go fuck yourself man and get then a sword and shake it pretending you are about to kill someone…that’s gonna be the sole dream you’ll have about traditions and moral concepts, suggest you to make too a Harakiri and stop bitching against us, and as I can see, against West culture…and YOU CAN’T SHOW PUSSY? hahahahahahahah!
    ==================================from MasaManiA
    But I can fuck any pussy anyway using Japanese Yen. wajajajaja

  58. Korean says:

    Yeh!!…. uhu… Fucking Bush Everybody
    Also Most Korean Fucking Bush,Too.
    Yaha !!!! Most Other Contry Fucking Bush,too

  59. I_HATE_CHINKS says:


  60. Toien says:

    Fuck u ‘I HATE CHINKS’

  61. Bush Fucker says:

    Bush is a fuckin’ pussy. How can a man who has never seen combat send soldiers to die and for what. Its sad that America is run by evil people. America isn’t run by the people. It is run by the corporations and the money. The people who own corporations call all the shots. They don’t give a flying fuck about the lives of the soldiers and their families. All you people who support Bush are fuckin’ white trash. Your too fuckin’ pussy to admit that Bush is an idiot. Just Listen to his speeches. You can tell the man hasn’t written them. When he speaks on his it is the most retarded shit I’ve heard in my life. His speeches show his lack of intelligence.
    When he was the governor of Texas he executed over 100 people in the electric chair. Apparently this man has no compassion for life, or is not intelligent enough to comprehend since he’s always had an easy life.
    All of you Bush supporters burn in hell, no seriously. I hope when you die you go to hell and meet with your great leader. Who has not done anything great since he’s been elected. This man is incompetent. He had the power to prevent 9/11 but his incompetencies prevented him from doing anything.

  62. G.W. Bush says:

    Damn, shame on you…I’ve heard this communist stuff outnumbered times, and communism as we know is power-hungry away to confront us and being a shit on humbleness, okay, you japs are sad cause your traditions are goin to hell and are missin’ fascism we broke down, but please, don’t use communist lines to justify it, it’s like another suicide guide of you to kill self…
    Burn in hell you, fuckin’ communist jap…my affection for y’all is now reduced to a little pile of shit…daaah
    P.S: my daddy vomited in yours pm, and i wish that my load goes to hell with y’all scumballs…

  63. ampletea says:

    The USA is bad because it is run by a government which follows the precept of self-interest. The will of your average American is individualistic, generous, decent and compassionate. The will of the government, as expressed through such actions as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the massive bombing campaigns conducted against Germany (and every nation that has been at war with the US ever since), as well as the unstoppable march towards global neoliberal order, is murderous, self-serving, imperialistic, hegemonic, and greedy.
    Any other nation would do the same, were it in the same position as the USA. That’s because the problem exists when you give state leaders control over production (which even happens in the US) and the military.
    If you condemn the atrocities of US history, as you should, you must condemn the atrocities of every government of every nation(or now even non-state groups like terrorists)–for they are one and the same in their capacity to bring violence and terror to every human life.

  64. American Gigolo says:

    This bogus “Bush” sounded pretty like Schwarzenegger, whose different from him, can articulate pretty well and face theirs rivals and call em ‘girly man’…huu… bunch of politically correct fags, learn somethin’…Im sad republicans selected bush as candidate, to me he acts like a autistic…imho
    Namazu sounded like a samurai, hahahhaha…West dogs…man it’s cute in WWII’s movies, not in nowadays ‘Tora! Tora!’…
    “Bush fucker”, 100 persons executed? are you pretendin’ they were all saint? ya hippie, let’s pretend if they live, they’ll act as fairies…hihihihihi…and shit, since death penalty, revenge(just blood can wash pride) are pretty common in East, please, dont bother me…I’m so angry with the rich corporations that i’m going to have famine there up in cuba…hahahaha, you killed me…
    “I HATE ALL CHINKS” sounded like a jap being ironic…yuck, yuck…i dont hate japs, is true that jap pussy is of horizontal shaped clit?
    to Korean I ask for whole world too: Why do you hate us and picture as evil? have we raped you without KY? are your asses sore? there’s a heal for every sore…

  65. Natas Liah says:

    Japan doesn’t go around fucking with the rest of the world like it was it’s own penis like the good ol’ USA does.
    This goes out, with much love, to all the AMERIKKKAN MORONS out there:
    You have no right to comment on ANYTHING EVER!
    You live with your heads right up your own asses. You can’t point out where Finland is on the world map because you are so insular and fucked up.
    You have Bush as your President. That says more about you than any fucking words on a message board could.
    You think you are experts at everything but you start war, which is dumb and crazy. How stupid is war, you ignorant fucks?
    History has shown us time and time again that big empires eventually fall, as will yours as time progresses. Thank god for that.
    Love from the rest of the world.
    BTW the food is better for you and less fattening in Japan, yanky fatboyz!

  66. Frank von Reinstien says:

    bush is dangerous!
    This man would be able to start the next world-war. Just push the button….
    He is totally nuts. Lets hope he will die soon.

  67. Fuckface says:

    Motherfuck kerry. Total War is sacred.

  68. Raun says:

    There’s no question that the Japanese are perverted barbarian savages, and always have been. When they aren’t raping and plundering other countries, they’re molesting schoolgirls and sushi virgins, and denying their own blood-soaked history. I make Bukkake 1000 times on your flag, your emperor, you war dead, and your “honor”.
    But I will say that you all make excellent video games. Keep it up. Oh yeah, and Fuck Bush.

  69. Jeb Bush says:

    Seriously.. I’m an American… I’m even a Texan!!! I’m not some gook who’s gone overboard… I’m an American who’s totally lost it! I want to kill him!!! Give me a gun!!!!

  70. Forgot to give my Name I was so excited!! says:

    Give me a gun!!! I’ve got Bush’s NRA right here!!!
    I’m so gonna give him a fucking 12 gauge plug!!! Fuck him!!!

  71. fuckhead says:

    fuck u Japan. fuck u amercia!

  72. BUSHORDERED911 says:


  73. japassfucker says:

    fuck u japanese pigs
    fuck u american assholes

  74. Bryce says:

    Just speak of love, it’s more beautiful than your war 🙂 It’s just a kiss from France who loves all of the world 🙂
    ps : In fact all of humanity is being perverted when she reachs the summit so i can’t really speak on people when nobody is really pure.
    ps2 : Just ride a snowboard and forgot all of this world, alone on your mountain. Ride fast. Die young.

  75. Johnny says:

    USSR kicked Japan’s ass after Japan surrendered to the US and the war was over! Plus Japan and USSR had signed a peace treaty, so Japan wasn’t prepared. Anyone the Russians caught were sent to forced labor camps and never came back.

  76. hotman says:

    I agree, FUCK BUSH all to hell but before you continue your rant about the US being shitty try remembering imperial Japan and the RAPE OF NANJING!

  77. Tirolabua says:

    He is the greatest terrorist in the world!!!
    So he has to kill himself first!!!
    …what a nice day, this would be..

  78. Namazu killer says:

    Battle Royale 2 was a really bad movie. I liked part 1, but 2 really sucks.
    アメリカ人は、Work smart, not work hard.

  79. puta bush says:

    k te follin puta mariconasso batubadelllll

  80. Canadian says:

    yeh thats right, like eminem, IM CRAZY, certifibly too
    damn if he comes to canada, and i see him, i will not goto jail for killings BUSH or Hiltler whatever his name is
    and if the government doesn’t take all his money away, THE WHOLE FAMILY ALL of BUSH’s family should be put on the welfare system, no more money for criminals
    and if the governmetn dont do that, dont cross my path im CRAZY
    you might just end up, under my foot

  81. fuck kerry says:

    fuck kerry, bush is better than him and you all know it. you all who hate bush are as ignorant as kerry is. kerry has no plan for america at all. bush has a plan and STICKS TO IT. kerry is on both sides of every issue way before the election! you all know kerry will ram you up the ass with taxes and use it for dumb shit. its my money and im keeping it. kerry is also an asshole because he went against his own men when he came back from the vietname war.

  82. The Independent says:


  83. DiikIE says:

    First of all I am an American. I would Like to say that I am against Bush. But I would like to respond to the people saying “Fuck America.” A majority of America is opposed to Bush and we truly want him out of office and power. I, like many other Americans, do care about what the rest of the world wants. I would like the U.S. to listen to the rest of the world better than it does now. Those of you that hate America because of our leader Bush, please understand that most of America doesnt want Bush as our leader. We, the American people, are not “The Devil” as some of you have said, It is Bush who is The Devil.

  84. FUCK BUSH says:

    fuck bush and fuck his mother
    fuck his dad and Jeb, his brother
    fuck bush the chimpanzee
    fuck his whole family tree
    fuck his ass with razor wire
    fuck his guts out, the filthy liar
    fuck bush in his tiny brain
    he’s bound to like it — he’s insane
    fuck bush, if you’re for hire
    use a chainsaw and we’ll pay you higher
    fuck bush and use no lube
    ream his ass with a mortar tube
    fuck bush and send him crying
    that’s the only time he isn’t lying
    fuck bush, the motherfucker
    and fuck Condy Rice, his dumb cocksucker

  85. Fuck fuck Kerry, Fuck I hate Chinks, Fuck Ahhnold says:

    Are we even taking a good look around of us? Same shit for four more years? Tuition is going up again, gas prices are soaring, I mean what the fuck dude? Everytime a Republican is in power, shit gets worse!!!
    I’ve been independent and working since I was 18 and it was my choice; I pay for my own tuition and rent. How about us who are productive and are contributing something positive to the community? Are our voices going to be deliberately drowned in a jumble of negative rhetoric and political spin? I am not trying to say that everything in USA is wrong, it’s just that I believe our leaders only have the interests of the Bourgeoisie in mind instead that of the working class’s.
    Fuck Kerry says that “Bush has a plan and sticks to it.” Does he mean the plan to try and conquer the known Arab-Islamic world in his quest to eliminate terrorism? Where’s Osama Bin Laden? Where are the WMDs? This plan that includes civilian casualties and more lost American lives? This plan that involves bullying our allies that are dwindling in numbers? Fuck Kerry, you want to keep your money? Coz you lost a lot of it every passing time that we are occupying Iraq. If this is the plan that you are trying to prove in point, then it’s not a very good plan in my opinion. Please, educate yourself of the facts in order to present a more scholarly case.
    To finish, it is my hope and deeply hearted wish that the next person to lead this great country of ours will be less heavy handed, dmarter, more eloquent, more tactful, and more sophisticated than the one that we have right now. Someone needs to change the less constructive and negative atmosphere that has proliferated in our country since the alcoholic, deeply sedated, cheating, immoral, vulgar, insensitive, imperialistic, can’t read even with a teleprompter, can’t pronounce words because he’s high, and impractical puppet Bush JR literally stole the 2000 elections. There is still time to change things, let us use the time wisely.

  86. what the fuck? says:

    what the hell is wrong with you people? people of america have done bad things and so have people from japan. people from every country in the world are doing all sorts of stupid shit. terrible things happen everyday. it is no use, rather is it dangerous, to accuse a whole nation or group of people te be pure evil. every single one of us filthy humans has the potential for cruelty. it is not always the others.
    try to remember, when have you been an asshole the last time. be honest to yourself and stop telling other people to fuck themselfs.

  87. from-italy says:

    FUCK BUSH!!!

  88. Craig says:

    Fuck bush and fuck anyone who supports bush. Kerry is bush-lite and a douchebag, but a change from the current in-house facism is coming today. Mother MOTHERfuck bush.
    To stop terrorism we first need to stop participating in it. We are the largest terrorist nation.

  89. FUCKBUSH says:

    FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!!!
    it’s a laugh if he win.
    hope american is not that stupid

  90. suchart says:

    Love Bush, please fuck me instead of Lora.
    ==================from MasaManiA
    I hope you are fucking chick

  91. rugby69player says:

    Fuck Bush he has taken a respectable nation and fucked it over. America is the terrorist now.
    I am ashamed to be a damn american

  92. Natas Liah says:


  93. Slade says:

    We’re all fucked!!! Bushy has four more years of hell for us.
    So enjoy your high gas and oil prices from that snake he is.
    I agree with the person who makes this site. And, btw, I voted for Kerry!!!
    ==============================from MasaManiA
    We also will enjoy airplane bombing.

  94. tojo says:

    Hey pecker-head, don’t blame the USA for nuking your dumbasses, you boys showed the A-rabs how to sneak-attack the American mainland when you bombed Pearl harbor. A really stupid move by some of your worst military leaders and that little frog Hiruhito…Bush beat Kerry and we will get Osama and his psycho kamakazi’s and brain-dead religious murderers. By the way, I love Japanese females! Most of your military men are cool to, but you need to come to terms with just how better off you are that the USA beat the rising sun in 1945…

  95. usmc-not says:

    We’ll ‘get’ Osama and his psycho kamikazes and brain-dead religious murderers all right… as they start hitting more targets closer to or in the States. 🙁
    Plus hey, watch the USD$ value crash on the world market!

  96. Adrastia says:

    I voted for the first time this election. I voted for Kerry because I hate Bush and his policies. But Kerry lost and we are stuck with Bush again….

  97. MouseManJP says:


  98. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  99. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  100. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  101. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  102. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  103. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  104. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  105. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  106. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  107. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  108. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  109. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  110. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  111. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  112. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  113. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  114. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  115. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  116. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  117. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  118. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  119. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  120. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  121. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  122. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  123. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  124. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  125. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  126. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  127. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  128. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  129. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  130. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  131. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  132. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  133. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  134. Jim walt says:

    Mailing Address:
    BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc.
    P.O. BOX 10648
    Arlington, VA 22210
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone: 703.647.2700
    Fax: 703.647.2993

  135. furansujin says:

    American people always like to tell that they were attacked by surprise by Japan in Pearl Harbor but this is not exactly the truth. At least US government knew that their relations with Japan were more than hostile by this time.
    think a minute : Do you seriously think, you americans, than on the eve of pearl Harbor your country was in peace with Japan and there was no reason to make war?
    Do you seriously think that a poor country like Japan by this time would run the risk to attack american army without a serious reason?
    Japan warned Americans several times that if they would continue their expansion in the pacific there would be a war. America ignored their warnings.Negotiations between the 2 countrys were unsuccesfull. so the japanese did what they had said.
    when you attack a country, especially when it is stronger than yours, you don’t fix an appointment.
    Did americans send a message to Hitler to tell him what time and where they would land in France in 1944?
    no, and the reason is : Hitler was expecting an american attack. Just like, I’m sure, America was expecting a japanese attack.

  136. carioca girl says:

    Spain and England killed native people in all America to dominate their lands. Maia anda Azteca cultures
    disappeared for this reason.
    I’m not defending Portugal colonization (there are bad consequences of colonization, always), but they had a different way to dominate native people here in Brasil: they married with the daughter’s of Brazillian ” indios” chefs. They really defending the idea of ” Make love, no war”
    sorry for my poor englis
    ====================from MasaManiA
    My motto is no more peace, more fuck

  137. Daina says:

    it still doesn’t change the fact that the U.S. had no culture, and what we call culture today here is just a money making tool for the corporates.
    I pitty Americans.

  138. ALEX says:


  139. chewbaka says:

    Diana: You need to spread your legs more and your thoughts less. America has the best Architects in the world, so bugger off slut!

  140. jan says:

    Belgium rules

  141. Mikeychan says:

    get it together people,
    you are like sheep following one another.
    im a american and i dont like bush either.
    but lets look at this from a clear head.
    here is why bush sucks:
    he became president because hes got middle america by the balls.and he seems to get elected not once but twice!!twice!! mind you, by this electorial collage shit which is stupid,
    i voted and i didnt vote for him,but im from California so whatever.
    he became president right when sept 11 happened.
    shit hit the fan pretty hard so i dont blame him for going on the war path..but he should have stopped after afganistan,Saddam was a fucked up dictator but so is Kim Jong Il,he came right out and said i got nucler weapons U.S.what are you going to do about it?bush promply said we’ll persue diplamatic channels like a punk,am i right?if bush really wanted to take out the worlds trash he should have went after him.
    anyways…he went after saddam so he could place a base of operations right next to Iran,because guess what all the oil is there.makes sense more oil means more money.so he went all out using the bible,god and Texas to stir the shit in the world.so he fucked up yes,but its time to take it down a notch bush and lets work on our own problems.but hes only here for 4 more years and after that hes gone so fuck it,ill tell you what other countries sure can critize our actions but they cant live with thier own.I say be responsible for your own shit(dont trow stones in a glass house)
    anyways back to bush.,.
    he did some pretty stupid things lets admit it.
    going to Iraq to clean up the mess left by his father.saying there are weapons of mass destruction or some shit like that.
    meanwhile with all the money used to finance the war on terror we could have built new schools,new parks,new roads,new transit systems.
    cleaned up homelessness and all sorts of truely useful things.i evan talked to a soldier and the goverment spends 10,000 a man so he can go over to iraq and get killed.i tell you the soldier sure sounded stupid..hard earned tax dollers at work everybody.america isnt the best country in the world,neither is europe,neither is japan,so fuck nationalism,thats what causes war to begin with.and i see why we lost the election,the stupid kids in my country didnt vote for the right man,dont complain if you didnt vote,it does make a difference.damn…see what im dealing with here.cut the US some slack.
    thanks for your time

  142. AUX CAYES says:

    I would like to apolygize to the all the PEOPLES of the EARTH for the hopelessness YOU may be feeling about President Fuck Face George Wush. (with 66.6 IQ)! A New & Improved Nazi Cuntferate Republican party. Did you get your invitation to the 2004 AMERICAN BUTT FUCK? Will someone PLEASE shoot me in the head. AUX@USA.COM bends over and kisses his Ugly Sorry Ass good fuckin’ bye. Living in the Haight Ashbury district keeps me half sane. The other half of me wants to be a different species, like a my pet rat.

  143. United Kindom says:

    Ahhhhh mannnnnnn. So fucking FUCK BUSH. I am a white English person. I fucking hate whatAmerica is doing, I fucking hate what United Kingdom is doing. But on the America thing,…Im sure there are some cool Yanks (somewhere) but thier culture is so fucking plastic. Its like a cheap gift that doesnt even work. The Goverment obviously has such a big control thing going on that the yanks on the whole obviously arent even aware of how fucking shit thier country is. And in thier enthusiasm they want to turn everywhere else into shit as well. Bush is the figure head. So of course Fuck Bush. Now our own leader is crawling up bushes arsehole. So if you are fucking bush,in the ass, maybe you will find our priminister Mr Blair up there. I know this isnt a Fuck Blair site. But our country is turning into a great big american turd. The whole world is turning to shit, and we all know that. And we all know America is leading the way. Its like a fuckingpoison gas that you cant escape. One thing for sure though. Bush and his poison seed will disapear up his own bush fuck. History shows clearly what happens to people who do what they are doing. England thought they where pretty good, and lookwhat happened to us. We got fucked in the ass by the Yanks. They have no dignity. And I dont careif any Yanks respond to this. I will just read you response and jerk off onto my monitor laughing at your stupid cultureless plastic greedy doomed Americaness. Your a big Poo. Oh ye’……and FUCK BUSH

  144. UNitedKIngdom says:

    Ps. this is the coolest site I have ever seen. If your American. Well tough fucking shit. It doesnt matter if you hate bush yourself. The rest of the world still thinks your all a bunch of wankers. If you hate your President that much, then fucking have a reveloution like we do here in europe you fucking yellow bellies.
    Fuck Bush and Fuck Bush in theUK

  145. United Kingdom says:

    Im sorry,…its just ive longed for somwhere to make my voice heard on this subject. The guy who put trhis site together should be the fucking president. And we should change the name of America. To, Japanica. I dont give a shit about who did what fucking bad in the past. Now is the real deal. And America has no past. Japan is one of the most ancient and sofisticated cultures known to man. Yes, somtimes there has been cruelty. Life is this way somtimes. But who gives a shit. As far as im concerned, Japan is cool. And Japanese people are cool. England could be okay, if ity just told America to FUCK BUSH. I think we should start a movement in UK. UKFB.Arsoles to the rest. Thank you for this site and letshope you continue to help people fuck bush.

  146. Dan Pulv says:

    Actually, that FUCK BUSH sticker was made by a skateboard shop in NYC called SUPREME. Supreme is a very popular brand in Japan, and therefore, that’s why you saw FUCK BUSH on someone’s skateboard.

  147. united kigdom says:

    no one gives a shit about anything you have to say dan. your a goddam yank. you smell of ploppy.
    viva la fb

  148. Bob Dobbs says:

    Now that bush has won (his firs real win, second term) I want to be like Yoko Ono but the in the opposite way. This hillbilly wants to go to Japan and FSCHK little skinny yellow people. Used to hate the French (of that I am a fourth) but love them cause they hate us so much.
    Goddamn the USA!

  149. Ganja says:

    SMOKE WEED Fuck Bush Bitch ,greets from Amsterdam>>>>>>>says:Fuck You Bush Bitch bend over because we got a nice Big suprise for you.
    Bush,mune o te de yosete kamera ni mukatte smile shite.

  150. bush fukka says:

    I love the french as well, because they hate everyone. Those bunch of munkey lovers. They especially hate the english. And I am english so I know. Thank you for hateing us you lovely french people. We beatyou up at football and eat all your pate. But the one thing we unite in, is we all agree. FUCK BUSH.

  151. me-san says:

    Yes, indeedy, make it so. Fuck Bush. Laura.
    (gimme one california roll & a maki to go.)

  152. Mr China says:

    We are coming to take you over. Your pathetic military can’t stop us and Bush won’t help you. No matter how much you beg him.

  153. Bush-loving gun-toting hegemon says:

    All your bases are belong to us! Bwahahaha!

  154. Dollar Bill says:

    French hate Americans. Here is their “We Fucked the World” song about America:
    http://submissions.newsfilter.org/./uploads/what the fucking french think of us.wmv
    Fuck You Frenchman!
    Here is why USA #1!!!!!
    フランス語はアメリカ人を憎む。ここに” はある; 私達は世界の” と性交した; アメリカについての歌: とてもフランス人がus.wmv について考えるhttp://submissions.newsfilter.org/./uploads/what フランス人性交しなさい! ここに米国が1 つの!!!!! になぜが番号を付けるかある http://www.craptv.com/coop/america.htm

  155. Steve Winner says:

    Hey Masa,
    No More Bush campaign in USA stronger than Fuck Bush campaign in Japan. See …

  156. japluvver says:

    I love this site. I like some Japs but I hate the over whelming majority or narrow minded scum japs…. the racist ones… the ones who just cant stop hating other ppl cos of their lack of intelligence to be able to beat the system.. americans the supreme capitalist society… who all they care about is money.. and big cars…. well well well.. what about you fuckin japs who carry LV wallets… what about the chicks on the train who look into that big fat mirror.. at their ugly pig nosed faces… what about the nanjing massacre from Nip Aggression, Changi in singapore and 30 years of nip occupation in Taiwan.. not to mention pearl harbour… you fuckers…. fuck you nips… dun teach your kids the truth…. suppress it… koizumi style.. links to the yakuza… you guys just dont know it…. and the fact that you nips have no manners when eating noodles… you guys eat like freakin pigs.. slurrping the shit up making noises like a BUTA… Not all japs are bad… just the ones living in their own dream world…. I feel so sorry for you…. you guys are so intelligent to choose to settle in a place where there are so many earthquakes and typhoons… … all your companies are getting bought over with hardly any to rise up and take the throne of true economic entrepreneurialism…
    Japan… what is good about your culture… japanese food is good… but so is italian and french…. ok.
    you have shinkansen… yes its a fast train…
    you have girls.. yeah so does brasil….
    youre country is the second largest economy… thats fantastic but china will soon take over and who cares how big you are .. your ramen only has 2 pieces of meat…. so I hope you nips have a good life living in your 6 tatami houses… cos that is really living isnt it…

  157. Diru-san says:

    quout Mesa
    “Yoko Ono run away from Japan to America and fucked by White people and live in USA. She is the symbol of the Japanese dream.”
    Maybe she did come to the USA and fucked by people. That was her choice, freedom to do what the fuck she wanted. What did she do with her self, well she didn’t hook up with an American. She hooked up with a Brit.
    Mesa you FUCKING ROCK !!!!!!

  158. fernandox says:

    Funny i agree you guys can hate the president that is a personal reason i guess, but what it is weird to me is that there is people with hate for past war that were just mistakes and misunderstanding between politicians, i live in the u.s. and you should see, hear and observe that there are many,many,many firneds of mine and some that i don’t personally know that admire japan because of what the are now because this co-play reunions are Awesome and because you guys still have the freedom to eat and live anyway you guys want, because if you want you can have more respect and moral or even open mind in comparison with us people ,so it really really really shocks me to read all this hate ltters in here looks like some of you need to travel over here and play neutral so you can see the acceptance that you’ll receive because of your descendance , becuase your race is a race that prof to surpass the big problem from the pass and now the us depends on your inventions and developments , what! haven’t you heard?…..that most of electronics inported from asian countries come from Japan and that is just proof of what I just said and you dispice that? well them you are probably just full of hate and really deep inside of you,….you just want to travel and live here, because like i said before I’ m spanish from south america living now in the us. and i always here americans say i wish i lived in japan but i can’t speak the language,…….you might not beleive it , but its true , i’m not trying to convince anyone , but happens to be that i’m one of those who wishes to speak the language and be able to marry a beatiful petite japanese woman with a love for games and a great sense of humor, but unfortunally there is a lot more from the wish to the reality, ……..’till them take care of yourselves bush haters , but don’t let hate consumme you is not really healthy, you keep it as a way to entertaint yourself alway making sure you don’t gp to extreme mesurements, sayonara! …….byt the way masa you kick ass!

  159. dogstik says:

    I hate everything.Fuck everything.Its all shit.People are crap. Nature is dead. Life is a cesspool of never ending monkey sperm roested on the back of a large dung beatle.Hope is evil. Relkigion is death. Art is a vacume. Love is a void. And im not very keen on bush. He’s a naughty boy.The only thing in this world that is good and pure and wholesome. Is Masamania.
    He’s pretty cool.
    I can see his hips now, thrusting and thrusting, penetrating that bush ass to the maximum. Masa is no girly boy, so this is great sacrifice he makes to the world. Fucking the bush bum on our behalf.
    He is our savior.
    Vote Masa NOW.
    oh,……and fuckbush of course.
    Ps. Vegetable soup is okay though. I like that.

  160. Another Sean says:

    Dont look at hating W. Bush as a fashion. it is about principle: do you hat evil bastards who kill for oil and money, rape the environment, give to the rich and take from the poor?

  161. Ihateidiots says:

    “American people always like to tell that they were attacked by surprise by Japan in Pearl Harbor but this is not exactly the truth. At least US government knew that their relations with Japan were more than hostile by this time.
    think a minute : Do you seriously think, you americans, than on the eve of pearl Harbor your country was in peace with Japan and there was no reason to make war?
    Do you seriously think that a poor country like Japan by this time would run the risk to attack american army without a serious reason?
    Japan warned Americans several times that if they would continue their expansion in the pacific there would be a war. America ignored their warnings.Negotiations between the 2 countrys were unsuccesfull. so the japanese did what they had said.
    when you attack a country, especially when it is stronger than yours, you don’t fix an appointment.
    Did americans send a message to Hitler to tell him what time and where they would land in France in 1944?
    no, and the reason is : Hitler was expecting an american attack. Just like, I’m sure, America was expecting a japanese attack.”
    Wow, you’re an idiot.
    Number one, at the time America was taking a isolationist stand on the war. A lot of Americans actuallt LIKED Hitler at the time. If Japan hadn’t attacked us like complete idiots, we might not have gotten involved at all, or joined in later.
    Number two: Unlike us, JAPAN HAD NOT DECLARED WAR. Japan attacked without us having a clue they had such intentions. You might say thats a good idea, I say it’s cowardly to begin a war without declaring it, just like it’s cowardly to kill yourself when you lose a battle instead of living to fight your enemy again. Oh, and explain to me exactly why its ok to launch a surprise attack on a nation that has no clue you are at war with it, because you’re pissed off at a embargo?
    Next time you bitch about “losing your culture”, just remember its JAPAN who chose to wear western clothing, JAPAN who decided to make non-traditional buildings, and JAPAN who chose to become capitalist.
    =========================from MasaManiA
    It’s difficult problem, really.

  162. qqqqq says:

    fuck BUSH!
    He is the worst enemy against Liberty and Peace.
    Stupid Americans. How can they be stupid enough to choose the mother fucker as the president??

  163. Psycho Bun-Bun says:

    It suprises me that all of these people are are such assholes. Really, I’m thinking being anti-american or “Fuck the US” is a fad now. Why? Because they just need something to hate. Believe what you all want to believe in, hell, most americans know the US is wrong from time to time. We make the wrong choices sometimes sure, but it is so annoying how FAST some people are to turn against the US than they are other countries. I’m sure if the US say, nukes some country, then persay China, or Britain did the same thing, the world would turn against the US first and foremost. It is a plain fact, people will turn against the US faster than they will any other country. It is also annoying because everyone whom says Fuck Bush, or I hate America come back with the same damned arguements time and time again, they can’t debate or talk about the issue without repeating themselves. So to all the anti-americans and people who say fuck bush with weak reasons why they feel that way, get new arguements because the ones you are using are old and worn out. To everyone whom gave good arguements over why they didn’t like the US governemtn, bravo, you showed that you have more intelligence than a worm. Now onto the subject about the people calling the Americans whiners.. what the hell do you think you all sound like? Abunch of first grade whiners crying because their mommy stole their toys.. Don’t call people whiners when you sound like one yourself. ^-^
    PS: People whom hate the government, but in turn place their hate against the civilians whom live here are nothing more han people without the capicity to think above that of a coma induced junkie.
    With love
    The Bun-Bun

  164. bluejives says:

    hey masa,
    Bush may be the President of Amerika, but the most powerful woman in the world right now is an Amerikan Black woman Condelezza Rice, who is now Secretary of State (second only to Bush). As you may know, Amerikan Black people in general are treated like shit because of White Amerikan racism. Black women are treated like shit twice as bad because 1. they face racism because they are black 2. they face sexism because they are woman. Imagine having someone coming from a group who was treated like that who has her middle finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.
    =================from MasaManiA
    Hey, don’t forget yellow people. I think we are the most shit in the world. at least we are similar color to shit. and close possition to ass hole. it’s really fuck.

  165. bluejives says:

    Yoko Ono run away from Japan to America and fucked by White people and live in USA. She is the symbol of Japanese dream.
    Oh, this reminds me to tell you, in Amerika, we asian guys, we call jap girl-white guy couple ‘yokojohn’. i live in new york city. too many yokojohns in nyc. it’s really fucked up.
    ====================from MasaManiA
    If Yoko Ono was fuck by Jap dick, John lenon never become dreamer.

  166. Smarter than you says:

    I’ve got to say, I go to a nice Ivy League school, and I am willing to bet that I am far, far smarter than you anti-Bush people. I do not support Bush (not Kerry) but your bucolic anti-Bush and anti-American rhetoric is absolutely absurd. It is perhaps democracy’s greatest flaw that you miserably uninformed people are allowed to vote.
    ================from MasaManiA
    I am not anti bush or anti america. just make fun of them.

  167. vir-jin says:

    If Yoko Ono was fuck by Jap dick, John lenon never become a dreamer.
    and yoko would have been a famous artist, because she had all the potential.
    But at least they protested by staying in bed, growing their hair and fucking politics away 🙂
    look what they were saying:
    By john lennon and yoko ono
    Okay, yoko
    Peace –
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace,
    Let’s hope for peace,
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace,
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace.
    (peace, peace, peace, peace…)
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace, (peace, peace, peace, peace!)
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace,
    Peace –
    Let’s hope for peace.
    Oh, john, let’s hope for peace
    For our children,
    For our country,
    For our world,
    For our future,
    Oh, john, let’s hope for peace,
    Let’s hope for peace.
    Peace –
    Peace, peace,
    Let’s hope for peace.
    Oh, john –
    Good morning meine damen und herren, this is the peace call.
    John: what we’re really doing is sending out a message to the world, mainly to the
    Youth, especially the youth or anybody really that’s interested in protesting for
    Peace, or protesting against any form of violence and we say everybody’s getting a
    Bit heavy or bit intellectual about it. everybody’s talking about peace, but nobody’s
    Doing anything about it, except for a few people, and the things are, the grosvenor
    Square marches in london. the end product of it was just newspaper stories about
    Riots and fightings. and we did the bed event in amsterdam and the bag piece in vienna
    Just to give people an idea, that there’s many ways of protest and this is one of them.
    And anybody could grow their hair for peace or give up a week of their holiday for
    Peace or sit in a bag for peace, protest against peace anyway, but peacefully cause we
    Think that peace is only got by peaceful methods and that to fight the establishment
    With their own weapons is no good, because they always win and they’d been winning
    For thousands of years. they know how to play the game violence and it’s easier for
    Them when they can recognise you and shoot you. they don’t know how to handle
    Humour, peaceful humour and that’s our message really.
    Questioner: what do you think was the biggest success in history, about 300 years?
    John: haven’t a clue.
    Yoko: well, maybe it’s still yet to happen, you see. that’s why we’re trying to do it. in
    Other words, by very, very peaceful methods to bring peace, you know instead of
    Peace through violence, that’s what we’re trying to do and if we succeed in that,
    That’s the biggest happening yet in the last 300 years, because it’s never been done and
    Nobody has really tried it, you see. and that’s what we’re trying to do.
    Questioner: what would you do in case of a war?
    John: how do you mean?
    Questioner: what would you do immediately if you would wake up in the morning, read the newspapers and they would tell you england is in war with france?
    John: I’d die of fright.
    Yoko: I don’t think that should happen. you talk as if something’s going to happen
    Aside of us. we are all in this you see. we are all in the same society and in the same
    World and everything that happens to us is our responsibility, you know. like any
    Violence going in the world is just a symbol of all the violent atmosphere that is in
    The world, you see and when the nazism persecuted the jewish people that wasn’t only
    Hitler, who did it or germany, who did it, but just a symbol of everybody in the world
    Who had the feeling for the persecution of jews, you see. so we share everything, so
    That’s not gonna happen, if there’s war suddenly, that’s our fault, you know.
    Questioner: so what do you think about the behaviour of austrian and germans during
    The second world war? don’t you think that they’re a little bit more responsible
    Than the others?
    John: no, not particularly.
    Yoko: no, not particularly. no. the whole world, if the whole world was really
    Aware of it and if the journalists and the communication media of those days were
    Really aware of their responsibility as well and reported everything correct, you
    Know, well, which is almost impossible, I’m sure, but as much as possible and if the
    Whole world was aware of their responsibility, it could have been stopped, I’m sure.
    John: well, we know that britain and a few other counties waited quite a long time
    Before they made any decision about what to do. I’m not quite sure of the facts, you
    Know, but after czechoslovakia and things like that, they could’ve stopped it earlier,
    But they waited until it’s on the doorstep, you know, until it involves their money,
    Their territory.
    Questioner: there’s a special type of petition that is vetoed by special contents ..
    John: no. I don’t think so because…
    Questioner: hitler could have been voted by the french, for instance.
    John: every nation will have a prototype. I think I was out talking to one of the
    Austrian tv guys. I said can you name me one european country which hasn’t sort of
    Raped the world and he said austria actually was the only one that didn’t attack
    Anybody else. they were always on the defensive side, I don’t know whether that’s
    Qustioner: but they were silent at the wrong moment…
    John: okay, that’s bad, I agree that silence is bad. but I mean there isn’t one european
    Country that hasn’t had it’s hitler in one way or the other, including britain, in what
    They did to india and south africa, you know.
    Yoko: so let’s so back to the future, you know. so that’s why we’re here. we want to
    Talk mainly to the young people all over the world, because those are the people
    Who are going to be the next generation. they’re going to be the next world, you
    Know, and we just want to say we are with them. we’re not preaching or anything like
    That. we want to be with them and we’re with them and in our way, we’re just
    Announcing that we’re open to all invitations or suggestions or anything to work
    For the world peace, you see, and we’re doing it now, in our own way, which we think is
    The best for us and also the young people have to realise that this is just as bad as
    Before the second world war or right in the middle of it, you know, that everything,
    All the violence that is happening in the world now are our responsibility and if we
    Don’t really realise it and immediately start something, action, you know, it’s going
    To be bad, you know. and it will be exactly like you said. one morning, we find in the
    Newspaper, find that the whole world is going to disappear, you know.
    Questioner: I agree with you, but don’t you see, I mean, it’s a fact that by through your
    Behaviour, I think it’s okay, but for a lot of people, through your behaviour, to get
    Suspicious. they don’t think that this can be correct, people sitting under a
    Tablecloth protesting against wars. they don’t think…
    Yoko: okay, before they criticise us, you know, and if they want to criticise us, okay,
    Go ahead, and they should do it in their own way, but do something, you know.
    Questioner: so everybody should throw out his part of hitler out of his soul, then?
    John: yes, yes, we all have it in us. in a way, we’re saying we want peace and we’re
    Staying in bed for peace, but I’m as violent as the next man, and I’m sure yoko is just as
    Violent just as well. we’re violent people, you know. I prefer myself when I’m non-
    Violent. I prefer me friends when they’re non-violent. it just makes for easier living
    And if we have to have violence, let’s channel it, you know.
    I don’t know how, you know, there’s other people can work out how to channel it, or
    Give them somewhere to play and kill each other or something. but I don’t want to be
    Involved in their violence. I prefer to live in peace, you know.
    Yoko: all you need is courage, you know. you can just go out in the street now and
    Take off all your clothes and just say peace you know and you’ll be in the news you
    See. just courage and if everybody gets courage and of course they would,
    Because they would think all right maybe this is a little bit embarrassing thing to do,
    But look at john and yoko they’re doing worse, so I can do it, you know.
    That’s all we’re trying to do, you see.
    Questioner: so you’re putting courage, also, into the world?
    John: we hope so.
    Yoko: I hope so.
    John: okay.
    Stay in bed!
    John: look there’s a fly flitting around. just makes you laugh.
    Yoko: what time is it?
    John: what’s the time?
    Yoko: what?
    John: 9:30.good morning. I was saying about bagism,you see, you get in this bag and you
    Jump out the window. next thing you know, you got a policeman on your head. you want tea?
    Yoko: you know what I want, john?
    John: what; what, what, what. oh, give us a chance! you want one before I do. yes, our
    Name got round a lot. could I have room service, please. do you want toast?
    Yoko: just tea. which do you want, coffee or tea?
    John: tea.
    Yoko: tea.
    John: two tea’s please. yeah, 902 and some toast. yeah, brown toast.
    Good morning. yeah, yeah. I know and some toast. brown toast. yeah. thank you. bye, bye.
    Alright then….
    John: hello, dog. it’s beautiful no, no, no. it’ll just take a lot of looking after. well
    Think about you, amsterdam. it’s a lovely dog, huh.
    Yoko: yes, it’s lovely.
    John: thank you very much.
    Visitor: here you are.
    John: thank you. you gonna take him off me now’!
    Visitor: yeah, if you don’t mind. thank you very much.
    John: I thought you were giving
    Visitor: bye, bye. bye, bye. no, no.
    John: I sort of was under that impression. she gave us the dog and then went away. very nice.
    Yoko: it’s rather sort of really swinging though. don’t you think so?
    John: the thought of the long haired beatle in the 19th century sanctuary. please
    Stop this nonsense. go home. we don’t like people like you. go to a doctor to be
    Normal, you get this? go to a doctor to be normal. we’re seeing a psychiatrist today,
    So maybe he’ll fix us up then. bloody marvellous. we don’t get through on some level,
    As you notice. was under marijuana. beautiful, beautiful. keep smoking. nothing illegal
    Beautiful, beautiful. hey, those kids are as hard as the real press.
    Yoko: yes, amazing.
    John: amazing. they’re just as tough as the real press. very sexy. it’s a boy, it’s a boy.
    Questioner: why are you staying in bed for 7 days?
    John: ah, because…
    Questioner: well, first of all, let me say congratulations on your marriage and that
    In dutch is gefiliciteerd met je getrouw.
    John: oh, dank u wel, oh, chocolat!
    Questioner: how about explaining this mission you are on at this moment!
    John: well, you start…
    Yoko: well, because we thought of this idea about staying in bed for 7 days for
    Protest against violence in the world.
    Questioner: did you think of it’s geographical situation as being the centre of europe?
    John: no, I didn’t realise, is it? oh, fantastic! it was magic then, you see, cause the way…
    Questioner: well, they call it the centre of europe. it’s an advertising campaign for an
    John: okay, well give us a free ticket and we’ll be all right.
    Various people: stand up! bend over towards us.
    Stand up on your knees, maybe. turn up, turn up on your knees.
    As soon as we can ……(unhearable) ….but we need you here
    John: so, anyway a policeman came in and an elephant jumped on me head, so I said
    What’s going on and he said cabbages and the next moment I was on film, yeah.
    Love, peace and bed!not forgetting jam of course.
    Okay, guess now it’s over?
    Qustioner: are you cold?
    John: no, no, no!
    Questioner: yeah, music, you know, if you go back to the days of a, of a, let’s see, where do we start now, we start with do you love me?
    John: not, not particularly.
    How about that?
    John singing: good bye amsterdam, goodbye.
    Stay in bed,
    For bed-in,
    For peace of the world,
    Stay in bed,
    Grow your hair.
    Grow your hair.
    Okay, good night.
    Now it’s time to say good night,
    Good night, sleep tight.
    Now the sun puts out his light.
    Yoko: what a beautiful day it was though, very tiring, though. it’s so turning like
    Crazy, you know.
    John: you can say that sort of hot?
    Yoko: grow your hair.
    John: bed peace.
    Yoko: hair peace.
    John: hair peace, bed peace.
    Oh, yeah.
    and the end of the story, they fucked and the world disappeared.

  168. bluejives says:

    i live in nyc. nyc is biggest fuck-you capital of world. i went to new york university. new york university is also called nyu but i like to call it ny-fuck-u. in nyc, we like to use another american word which is a cousin of fuck. it is bullshit.
    bush is bullshit.
    you don’t believe me?
    b u _ _ s h _ _.
    now you believe me?
    ===============from MasaManiA
    Now I believe, thank you. but don’t forget that Jap also fuck. fucking fuck

  169. bluejives says:
  170. brett says:

    this is my photo and i am very proud to hate bush!

  171. Nimitz MacArthur says:

    When will you stupid asians realize it is American destiny to rule the world. By the way, Bush is the only thing standing between your freedom and China exacting justifiable revenge for your murderous actions from 1931-1945.
    Say your prayers every night that your daddy, GW Bush, doesnt let the Chinese waltz in and take over your pissant country.
    ========from MasaManiA
    I am not chinese nor Asian. I am Japanese.

  172. JZ says:

    Yeah, I’m an American and am pretty ashamed of the fact that we reelected bush, the fact that this country is run by huge corporations, and the fact that many americans this going to war with everyone is a good idea. I also think it was pretty fucked up that the united states used nuclear weapons on japan back in WWII. I love japanese culture, watch a lot of anime, and am studying the japanese language. Having said that, the one thing that I would like people to realize is that not all americans are the same, not all americans are rich stupid greedy bastards, and that whatever country we are from, we can all work together to try to get along. I don’t hate arabs, asians, europeans, or americans. hate only leads to more hate. but yeah, FUCK BUSH!

  173. hsdbfh says:

    fuck you ,japnese

  174. n/a says:

    masa…are u gay or bi?
    =====from MasaManiA
    Depend on partner

  175. monkeybuster says:

    Send that monkey to the Hague.
    I was just dumbfounded that Americans re-elected him who calls himself patriotic and pro-life but has been killing thousands of his own people. The number of young men and women in the military killed in Iraq is far greater than the death-row inmates executed when he was a Texas governor. Does he give a damn about lives of other nations?
    That monkey has rabies. America can do better than that.

  176. brett says:

    yes george bush is the mania of death and stupid! Please all hate bush and fuck him

  177. afu says:

    Life is suppose to be hard. Life has been hard for the majority of humans in history and will continue to be hard for most of us in the future. Life is shit, get to know this. Now finding love amidst all the crap is the beauty of being truly human. Want to share this: at a peace protest in San Diego I saw a lesbian wearing a shirt saying “ANOTHER DYKE THAT HATES BUSH”

  178. sooas says:

    I love the comment towards the top that says “you should support bush cos that’s supporting representative democracy”, as if choosing not to support bush (you know, exercising your rights as an American) is somehow not supporting democracy. Right-wingers have such a fucked up concept of democracy and it never ceases to amaze me.
    Oh yeah, and fuck Bush. ;f

  179. thoughtstone says:
  180. kindpastor says:

    Listen I’d be pissed if my country got its assed nuked too. But you japs have to undertstand, it was for your own good, your army was committing warcrimes and your people were builidng the machinery that enabled them to commit those warcrimes. BTW the US SAVED LIVES when it nuked your country, if we hadn’t we would of had to do a full scale invasion and killed of half the country, along with out own men. The US is the most powerful country in the world not because it is evil, but because it know’s what it is doing. AS for us reporting to china, well I guess you could put me in charge of registering all the inbreds their population control laws have spawned, yeah China is totally gunna own us soon, It’s just a matter of time *sarcasm*.

  181. kindpastor says:

    “>our food is so damn good people don’t stop eating it.
    When you say ‘good’ i assume you mean ‘full of Monosodium Glutamate and Aspartame’? :)”
    listen you limey bastard. I’ve been to england and seen your pristine grocery stores free of all genetically altered food, i guess its some kind of english fetish. Well I have news for you, organic is not better than standard, and there is no proof that gentically altered food is dangerous. You can eat hormone-free potted meat and pay outrageous prices for natural goat butter all you want, you’ll still have rotten teeth and bloated noses. The reason people are skinny in Europe is because food is expensive and people walk everywhere. Unlike in america where food is cheap and everyone has a car.
    OH and BTW monosoduium glutamite is a legitamte culinary flavor, right up there with sour and sweet. AND IT WAS INVENTED BY THE FUCKING JAPANESE. They called it umami i believe. Ignorant white-bread limey hick.

  182. fuck america and bush says:

    im american and I say without hesitation our country is the fucking cancer of the world. im fucking ashamed of living in the us. It’s a fucking piece of shit run by fucking christian fucknuts

  183. wojtek says:

    sorry gays
    I’ve fucked allready one japanese girl but never bush. How it is?????
    You have more better thing in your country to fucking!! believe me!!
    Artur from poland
    ========from MasaManiA
    In Japan, talking about own fucking experience is regarded as not polite.

  184. HAHA says:

    I think the last picture is you.. not the homeless man pic you have on your about page..
    a picture of a reader who hates bush.. hehehe.. nice try.
    i’m surprised so many are convinced that you’re a real japanese person..
    am i a freaking genius?
    =========from MasaManiA
    THat is not me, see Q&A.

  185. HAHA says:

    yeah, i read your about page.. and i’m still not convinced. you can’t fool a bilingual/bicultural person like me with your sloppy ways. at first i thought you were indeed a japanese person like you claim but it wasn’t that hard for me to figure out that you’re not. if you want me to, i can actually go back and find evidence, but what would be the purpose?
    =========from MasaManiA
    i dont know why you are so suspious.
    see this link. this is me.
    but actually it’s not big problem wheather you belieave or not.

  186. JZ says:

    Come to think about it, the United States is simply the first victim of out of control capitalism (which could be called feudalism or facism). The united states has already been destroyed by this evil system of oppression and greed. Europe and Japan are close to being destroyed by it as well. China and India are not that far behind, they too will be destroyed by capitalism. The rest of the world will follow, and we will live in the dark ages again. The only way out if for the workers of the world to unite and overthrough their capitalist oppressors. Fuck Capitalism, and FUCK BUSH! (bush works only to server evil corporate interests at the expense of the american people, the people in other parts of the world, the environment, and humanity itself). And once again, I’m an American.

  187. pen says:

    “Come to think about it, the United States is simply the first victim of out of control capitalism (which could be called feudalism or facism). The united states has already been destroyed by this evil system of oppression and greed. Europe and Japan are close to being destroyed by it as well. China and India are not that far behind, they too will be destroyed by capitalism. The rest of the world will follow, and we will live in the dark ages again. The only way out if for the workers of the world to unite and overthrough their capitalist oppressors. Fuck Capitalism, and FUCK BUSH! (bush works only to server evil corporate interests at the expense of the american people, the people in other parts of the world, the environment, and humanity itself). And once again, I’m an American.”
    Wow, after the soviet union, china, north korea, and cuba somebody still thinks capitalism the one true evil. Wow. I mean wow. Unless you live in a communist country my friend you are benefitting from capitalism as we speak, and are the biggest fucking dumbass in the world. Quit bitching about how capitalism is the cause of all the world’s problems and move to fucking habana chico. There you’ll be free from this great evil and get all the goddamn smokes you want, or better yet, move to canada which you probbably think is capitalism-free even though they to, have a free market economy. In fact, heres a great plan, why don’t ll you socialist and commies leave america and let us capitalists run it, then, because capitalism is so evil we will run it into the ground and collapse, allowing all you commies to come back and turn it into a utopia. Yeah, why don’t you do that. God some people are just fucking stupid.

  188. JZ says:

    Um, I’m not promoting blatent communism, I’m simply saying that if capitalism is allowed to run rampent with no checks and ballences, things get really fucked up. There needs to be some level of free market, but there also needs to be some level of socialism. Capitalism also has to be somewhat regulated, when you just “let the market decide” everything, all the wealth flows into the hands of a few, and the masses are starved. In the united states, the rich are growing richer and the poor are growing poorer. Furthermore, the corporations have all but taken over the government. Corporate intrests are driving american forign policy and decisions on programs such as social security (privitization will fuck things up worse). So, don’t simply dismiss me as a “commie”, capitalism needs to be rather tightly regulated to prevent great social evil. At the same time, some amount of free market needs to exist for sustainable economic growth.

  189. Rilla says:

    Since when has Japan set any trends lately? Oh yeah that’s right they don’t. Also Russia was fucking mess in 1904, Czar Nicholas was insane, NICE WIN.
    Yeah, You want to talk about terrorist acts, what about kamakazies, yeah thats a real way to win, kind of sounds like suicide bombing to me.
    Go to help yellow men.

  190. Australia says:

    Fuck Bush!!!
    And Fuck the half of america who voted for his fucked up rightwing neocon loonytune fundamentalist government.
    And Fuck Howard for deep-thoating him!!
    And Fuck the half of Australia who voted for Howard, and fuck Labor for being such a piss-ant “alternative” to vote for.
    Yeah and fuck the past shit – this is NOW!
    ps: american food really is shit

  191. thoughtstone says:

    apathy will become our undoing
    if you really give a shit then do something
    half of america did not vote for bush
    the election was “rigged”
    the electronic voting machines, which gave no paper trail,
    were manufactured by a company named “diebold”
    diebold’s CEO is a known republican, and a major supporter of g.w. bush…. oh well
    keep shopping at walmart
    while the world crumbles down around you
    lazy redneck shit for brains just dont get it, as long as they can live in their double wide mobile home, with their double wide wife and their double wide ass watching their double wide t.v.
    then they are as happy as a pig in shit
    it is easy to convince and control the mindless
    claim to do it in the name of god, and the pigs will come slopping to the trough

  192. 42TMOLTUAE says:

    Someone mentioned the low-carb diet…
    Here’s a question:
    If the staple food in the Asian diet is rice (high carb) and carbs make you fat, then why are so many Asians (esp. the ones that continue to eat mostly rice, veggies’ and fish) thin?
    Why are so many of my fellow Americans so gullible, sometimes? Could it be, Dr. Atkins is wrong, but still making plenty of money selling books about his diet fad? No, he wouldn’t LIE just to make money. 😮 Right…
    Funny, now that I live in South Korea and I eat the local food, my stomache seems to be less irritable…
    Oh, to the people advocating Communism-sure it’s a great form of government…until you use it for two or more people. Human nature-everyone wants something that someone else has. See how well it works in North Korea? I’ll take what works best in reality, not just ideals that work well, but only in a ‘perfect world’ where greed simply doesn’t exist.

  193. 42TMOLTUAE says:

    Now that I had a little more time to read the comments, here…
    To anyone who feels that Soldiers are generally stupid:
    Please, explain why one of my fellow Soldiers has a masters degree. Now, tell me, why is it that you feel that you need to label an entire group with the term ‘stupid’ (Sorry, but that really WAS a pre-school level comment)?
    Really, how many Soldiers do you know?
    Honestly, if i were to judge a group of people based on the level of intellect that one member of that group demonstrated, I would think that ALL civilians were ‘mentally deficient’. I am intelligent enough to know that you are a *stupid* person, not just one *stupid* person in a sea of so many civilians.
    Try walking out of the classroom, where your opinions are dictated to you, and start observing the rest of the world. Try to make your OWN opinions. You may learn something.
    This is why I love MasaManiA so much. He goes out into the world and makes his own opinion. Then he shares it with the rest of us. He does not seem to care if we tell him fuck you or thank you-honesty is what is welcomed.
    Thank you, Masa, for your true opinions!

  194. infidel says:

    Most systems have their time. Then they begin to crumble. As is communism. Capitalism too – will have its time.
    Neandertals had their time, we Cro-magnons are having ours. Note well: Neandertals existed for far longer than we have thus far… how long do we have left with guys like Bush acting puppet for the greedy powerful few at the expense of the global masses?
    The Roman Empire was a rich high-tech global superpower in its day… Destroyed by hordes of barbarians…tribes of savages one might say.

  195. Revaddict says:

    I think Japan would have not engaged in Western-style colonialism & Militarism in the first place if the Europeans and the Yanks didn’t continiously threaten it with the idea that the world presumptiously belonged to “civilised” western countries. Modernisation, militarisation and nationalism in Japan came as a defense mechanism to avoid colonisation.
    Regarding Pearl Harbour, the Yanks having an oil blockade placed on Japan and having sunk a Japanese transport ship in the pacific (documented on both sides) would constitute, in effect, a declaration of war. Was it arrogance on the part of the Americans assuming it could do whatever without having any Japanese retaliation?
    In the end, War is still unjustifiable in any setting, and there are no white knights coming to the rescue. Attrocities were committed by all parties since the beginning of time.

  196. hong ip says:

    Unfortunently for most, this so called being cowardly by now declaring first in war is a bit stupid.
    No.1: All’s fair in a war.
    The idea ( believe it or not! ) in war is to inflict as much harm on your opponent and minimizing your own losses.
    No.2: America actually had a great deal of advanced warning, unfortunently however, they were too drunk to work it out.
    As for these nuclear war thing?
    The Axis powers were technilogically superior to their allied counterparts, Only hitler was too stupid in his belief that the war would be done quickly, thus halted all the technoligical researhc programs.
    The allies found Dozens of jet-engined aircraft in germany and japan, and these were quickly transported back to the homelands of the victor’s for inspection.
    The fact that the nuclear bombs fell could have been averted. Japan was most likely fearing the invasion by the USSR, thus letting the bombs fall.
    What do i mean? The japanese had Vast quantities of bio-warfare agents. If they had threatened to use them in a retaliatory strike, which they were capable ot doing, The bombs would have never had fallen. Evidence of this is around, the testing on the populations on their conquered countries, the jet aircraft, their submarines.
    As for these “war-crimes” The loser is always the person who is “wrong.”
    So don;t give me crap about they were wrong, war IS WRONG. Just the fact the loser’s cant do anything about it.
    The japanese actually faced the bullet rather then saving their lives with surrender or suicide, unlike what their western counterparts would have done in the same situation. This fact led to the “hard” decision of going AGAINST a full scale invasion, since on the outlaying island american blood was ridiculously high, so they thought of the comparason of a invasion of the homeland.
    Saving unwilling lives is nothing to glorify about.
    The Americans are strong alright. Only reason why they are so? Nukes. You argue, you get nuked. Ever notice why every one doesn’t put their foot down on this subject? They don’t want to get nuked, retal with nukes, then pay America for their “war-crimes.”
    End story.
    Another thing about americans: 2/3 overweight. 1.2 obese.
    Pollute the most in the world. gonna choke us to death. Ignore this and go on about saving the world.
    But remember, not all americans are like this. The last election was quite close between the two candiates, signalling the fact that americans enjoyed a leade who could do whatever he wanted were only slightly more numerous then their other counterparts ( “slightly” being around i dunno… )

  197. ‘in a sea of so many civilians’ SHOULD have been ‘in a sea of so many *stupid* civilians’.
    We all make typos, sometimes. Sorry.
    About the post saying the elections in the US were rigged…3/4 of the military’s absentee ballots were never counted. So, yes, it was rigged-just not how you thought. Not that it REALLY matters-we live in a republic, not a democracy. We don’t vote directly, we are represented. Consider the fact that we use an electoral college.
    Thank you, hong jp. You seem to be one of the few that recognizes that a majority of people in a population is NOT the same as all of the people in that same population. Oh, and Hitler didn’t really STOP trying to develop new technology-he lost many of his greatest scientists to the US (Jews, political enemies, etc.), not to mention, he diverted most of technology development to trying to create bigger guns. Just look at the ‘Paris Gun’. About the ‘nukes’…the US doesn’t really have any monopoly in that area. Just ask Kim Jong Il or any other leader whose country has ‘nukes’. I will tell you this, the last I saw the statistics, the US had military personnel in over 130 countries. No, it’s not the ‘nukes’.

  198. thoughtstone says:

    hello stupid navy shit for brains ho !
    yes I too was once part of the structured totalitarian regime known to submmissive uneducated conformist like yourself as the military
    and yes I am an honorably discharged vet
    was in gulf war 1 and 2
    I was in the 82d abn div and have a shit load of cabbage on my uniform
    so quit your sniveling sophomoric diatribe about the almighty military and try living in the real world with a real job and real responsibilities
    it is very obvious from reading some of your comments that you are still wet behind the ears and probably will be for many more years
    your so called commander in chief is the biggest threat to world peace we have ever had, its too bad you have problems understanding this reality, but then again it is relatively easy to control and corrupt the mindless
    I truly hope that you grow and learn from your military experience, but enough with the flag waving already
    do a little reading and find out the truth
    fox news is a fucking joke, I hope its not your idea of the truth
    “for all men who have studied the art of governing mankind, know true that the rise and fall of empires depends upon the education of our youth” Sophoclese
    it is evident that the buLLshIT administration has put a unique little Machiavellian spin on this doctrine
    by diverting funding away from education and pumping it into “defense” and commercial campaign funding for the military it creates a nice little snare for idiots like yourself to fall into
    if you keep the populous undereducated the less likely they are to question “authority”, thus making it easier to control them
    through shit media outlets like fox and cnn
    also the less likely it is for them to get good jobs, (most of the big corporations are outsourcing to other countries anyways)
    so the military starts looking better and better to the poor and undereducated as a means of support and income
    as well it is also a place for racist rednecks to practice “legal homicide” against defenseless unarmed civilians from different
    cultures that are steeped in tradition far beyond the reaches of your feeble young imagination
    so remember the next time you raise your hand to salute a superior, (meaning you are inferior) know that you are supporting a regime that is all about greed
    bottom line its all about the money
    g w and rummy and dickhead cheney are the biggest terrorist this world has ever known
    and they should be tried in an international court for the atrocities they have inflicted on innocent women and children
    in their passion for oil and power
    talk to any soldier who’s been to the middle east, specifically iraq, and ask them what the biggest mission is
    its not democracy, its transportation yes transportation
    transporting that oil the fuck out of there, numerous convoys of tankers caring that shit to the gulf to be shipped to the us,
    and the military’s role is to escort the convoys
    believe me I know, I lost way too many friends for this fucking idiot of a president and his lies of wmd’s and all his other fucking shit! over what? oil ?!! fucking greed ?!!
    this guy sucks my ass

  199. WHITE NIGGER says:


  200. hong ip says:

    actually, a nigger ( we call him the rasta ) got an academic scholarship to a v good secondary school, so they aren’t that bad.
    P.S Say that in front of a nigger and see what happens.

  201. thoughtstone says:


  202. hong ip says:

    when i meant say that in front of a nigger i meant what ‘white nigger’ said ( post above the above post )

  203. myugenjin says:

    Bush is only partly to blame, Ya see it’s a doubled egded knife. Where on one hand we supposedly protect other nation while attacking others.
    It’s what makes capitalism/government evil. No longer are we fighting wars because of the imediate threat of invasion. Or because we our on our last “crumb” so to speak.
    Sure we had Sept. 11 only because we disrespected & underestimated our adversary which is what the U.S. does all the time. It was only natural that the arabs would attack after we incited a dilema only to rally up support for a war on terror to secure our way of life.
    Japan is just as responsible for the war in Iraq as well as the U.S.
    Ultimately it all boils down to the citizens who are the cause of war. If so many were pissed about the war for oil then why do they still drive their vehicles. Do they not understand tricledown economics.
    When Black people had to sit at the back of the buss they boycotted them entirely until there was change. As was the Same with Cesar Chavez.
    This show’s where American’s hearts are trully at, their quick to cite a problem but never do anything to fix it. Why don’t they lobby for gov’t reforms when it comes to foreign policy which dictates whether we go to war or not.

  204. American infidels must be hung! Lets American blood fill the streets! ALLAH ACKBAR!

  205. uruse~na! says:

    Dude, what the hell is wrong with you guys!? Can’t we all get a long!? Just because Bush’s a big dumbass doesn’t mean everybody else in the whole fuckin country is, cause not everyone voted for him or even voted at all. So I think ALL OF YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! Keep your comments to yourself, cause nobody else gives a rat’s ass what you think!My sister went to Iraq for a fuckin year, and I wasn’t bull shitting and bitching about it. So shut the FUCK UP!!!And all you American kids are stupid for even answering back to the ignorance of other countries! You guys seriuosly need to stop hating and get the fuck over past shit. We all know it happened,so suck it up and shut the FUCK UP! Dude, this is making me not wanna watch Anime or drool over Visual Kei bands anymore T______T :cries:: na~nte atashi~?!?

  206. thoughtstone says:

    your heart seems to be asking the right questions,
    but your grasp of global politics is misleading your answers
    the u s was created under the auspice of creating a new country that would give the citizens the ability to practice any form of religion and the freedom to speak your mind without the fear of reprisal, among many other very important human rights and proclamations
    all men being equal, no matter the race or religion, etc, etc.etc…
    the bill of rights as well as the constitution are very amazing.
    it seems to me as if they are founded upon the principle of (tolerance)
    unfortunately this is not the practice, and the constitution and the bill of rights has been twisted by naves to wrap themselves in to hide their lies and deceit while acting as the voice of the supposed moral majority of the people they are supposed to represent
    so yes it is the politicians that are to blame
    as well it is the people that helped put them in power (large corporate power)
    the citizens of this country are very diverse, and for the most part very caring, and loving people. as well we have very angry and fucked up people, and boring every day kind of people
    there is still a lot of racism, bigotry, crime and intolerance
    but I think that it is (apathy) that is condemning this country
    so I say speak, speak loud !!!
    speak your mind !!
    but let tolerance be your master

  207. myugenjin says:

    thoughtstone your comments r true however I feel that a country’s gov’t is a reflection of it’s people’s collective mind. sure thers corrupt politicians but they’ve been delt with before in often violent way’s until the country’s back on track.
    I don’t think Americans hold their politicians as such. I mean look at J.Kerry’s sentae history with the meetings he was supposed to have with D.Cheney.
    He only showed up to 1 of them, basically not doing his job which some other democrat or republican could of had. I mean if were gonna pay these people for a job then they should at least do it!
    And with the power they hold it should be criminal if they heavily fail to do so.
    I understand that Americans come in “all shapes & sizes” but for the lot of us. We tend to fear what we don’t know which is why we disslike change weather a right or left wing introduces something new like Bush’s social security reform.
    With saying that, Conservatives tend to no more about business, and economy while liberals no more about entertainment, & environmental issue’s.
    I see that’s neither side really talks to one another. They argue about the shortcomings of one another then try to make resolutions to the others problem. Like trying to tell a physicist how to do his job and he trying to tell you how to do your own.
    This is why dems. don’t support SSecurity reform and rep. don’t support welfair or global warming. The mass of either side cant agree on anyone thing because they now nothing of it.
    My problem with most American people is that they complain about stuff they could have prevented or about stuff which they have brought about due to their own actions.
    We don’t think about our neighbors in other areas of our country or the world. Our country gives out the most charity compared to any other in the world but only %20 percent of it actually goes to others.
    Meaning people in these organizations legally steal our donations.
    Now why do I blame American citizens for this. Both rep. and dems. speak of this. Every American has the general conception of the stealing which is why many do not donate. However when CBS or ABC talkes about it or the New York Times’s front page article (basically a media storm like schaivo) is about this kind of crime people just shake their heads and say they knew that kinda stuff happend but do nothing to change it.
    In other words the media focuses Americans attention on situations that both we as citizens and the fed gov’t can help but we lay back and do nothing by choice because we are to much into our daily rutines. We often say our hearts go out but this is as fake and rutine as MasAMania’s peace pictures.
    I’ve even herd African peoples speak of the power and money that blacks in the U.K. & U.S. have only to waste it on drugs or unimportant things when they could have done something to help them when they needed it. Such as the Rwandan genocide and as of late the Tsunami which killed 2 million Somali’s.
    That may have been a chance for the U.S. to mend ties with the militarist nation. I mean if I send money to an Somali, Sudanese, or palistinian even if it goes through a Unicef type organization I’ll be accused of sponsoring terrorism. Which is why Americans don’t do it.
    This is in part why other country’s hate us. Our talk is as phonie as Donald Trump (lord knows he would never higher a colored person for the Aprentice).
    If any of you get BET cable channel, watch Club Comic View. They show funny stuff thats real comedic like richard pryor. But the reason I say you should watch it because these black comedians talk about real issues both political and other wise wich are true in the black community both stereotypical and how blacks raise their children.
    The problem with this is even thou they’re able to joke & laugh about the problems and shortcomings of their community (which is what all nations should do). They do nothining to improve their current position. Which they also joke about.
    This is the social problem with America’s citizens. We have so many different peoples that nearly everthing go’s back to segrigation. We can’t call each others nigger’s, crackers, or kykes and just laugh about it. Just as we can’t put those words behind us.
    We are always offending someone, My friend from China in his 1st week at our highschool got mad how America is to be a Meltingpot and equal then why didn’t he see that many black people on TV. Why should there have to be a race specific channel. And for that matter where are the Chinese, Japanese, and other races. He saw them on the street. But not during the Both election’s. He saw them on sports but not on friends.
    So you see Americas many shapes & size’s are far to many and create groups both right & left black or white and this flip floping of issues within our community’s show’s in our gov’t foriegn policy.
    Im not accusing anyone of racism or trying to say that it has it’s effect throught our country but I will say that with so many people’s individualism at the level of citizenship. It’s easy how some Americans can fall victim to Al Qeada while others can join their fight!

  208. thoughtstone says:

    the bad news is– the stock market is down
    the good news is– we did not invest our social security in it !!
    myugenjin- dont believe the hype !!
    the republican hate machine creates a lot of lies and half-truths
    republican mentality is very short sighted
    while the democrates generally think of things in the long term

  209. hong ip says:

    thought stone:
    if u really believe you can say and preach what you want in america just try it.
    you offend someone- bang your dead.
    you offend the top circle, the fbi will have your arse.
    so no, not really. You CAN say what you want, if you don’t mind dying that is.

  210. thoughtstone says:

    hong ip
    I agree with you
    you misinterpret my meanings
    try reading between the lines

  211. thoughtstone says:

    it is better to die as a man
    than to live as a coward

  212. fuk yu says:


  213. thoughtstone says:

    f y-
    you are an uneducated misathrope
    + clinton——–> $5.6 trillian dollar budget surplus +
    – bush——> $412 billion dollar deficit (fisc.yr.2004) –
    right now the current national debt is almost $8trillion dollars !

  214. thoughtstone says:

    “To announce that there be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public”
    — Theodore Roosevelt— 26th president of US (1858-1919)

  215. hong ip says:

    agreed 🙂
    but then again, uneducated people who think they know everything will be uneducated people who think they know everything.
    And in england, Tony blair might be in power again:
    “Vote labour! Four more years of eternal war against randomly made up terrorists! (Oil is a by-product)”
    The west has a lot of catching up to do with China in the African front…

  216. Emilie says:

    FUCK BUSH! Out country is ruined by his abuse~

  217. Koril Dragonic says:

    Fuck Bush!! All of Canada hates Bush, just like Japan!

  218. FUCK JAPAN says:

    THe only reason Japan won Korea n china was cause we had nothing while Japs were armed with airplanes, and tanks. Lets see you fuck with Korea and china again. North Korea will deliver
    (hiroshima + nagasaki)^13

  219. GI Joe says:

    If it wasn’t for the USA, you people would still be eating fish heads and rice and living in a cave. We turned your country in to kitty litter and could have used it for a garbage dump or a nuclear storage dump. Instead, we built you economy, defended you people, and asked for peanuts in return. Look at the trade deficit we have with your country. If we stopped buying you cars, and electronics you would be working in the rice paddies again. You should kiss the ass of every American for your treachery in WW2, Pearl Harbor, Bataan Death March, and the murder of POWS. My satisfaction is knowing that my Marine Corps uncles evened the score.

  220. hong ip says:

    But what i am disturbed about, is the fact that the japanese were FAR SUPERIOR in technology to the allies. They had jet planes, the allies hadn;t the faintest clue how to even start.
    They had THE BEST and MOST SOPHISTICATED bioarsenal in the world. Hiroshima and Nagasaki could have been averted if the Japanese had threatened to use them on America. But, even without the nuke bombs, Russia would have invaded the crushed their military.
    And they WOULD have used it as a nuclear dump, etc etc etc etc .
    Remember though:
    History is written by the victors. They can say what ever they want, no one can argue. The losers can say nothing, their words treated as if every one was poisoned.
    Laws no longer exist in war. Who cares? You lose, you die, regardless. If there is no evidence, fabricate some. The winner? No one is in a position to say they have done anything wrong.
    Japan is going to die. Slowly via economy, since China will sap it all up. Militaristicly as well. They tick china off, they get nuked. The USA tries to intervene, Russia will come to China’s aid, as well as the rest of eastern asia.
    But only time will tell. And we will be long dead before that happens.

  221. kenji says:

    you dumb shit, the only reason ppl keep buying japanese electronics and cars is because american’s can’t make them WORTH SHIT.
    PWN@u, white boy.

  222. hong ip says:

    Is that to me or someone else.

  223. 42 says:

    The US never had issues before Bush. @@
    No other country has issues at all. @@
    Do you people honestly believe that crap?!? Do you really think your ass smells like a rose?!?
    I finally have time to respond to you, thoughtstone (or lack thereof).
    Let’s see who is really wet behind the ears…
    1)So you saw one small slice of the mission in Iraq…wow @@. That is not enough to make you an expert. Oil is not the only mission out there; the US has plenty more on its plate in Iraq. So you help with oil shipments…Did you personally transport the money, too? No you didn’t. So how can you be such an *expert* on where the money goes? Can you HONESTLY say Iraq does not recieve ANY of that money or that Brown and Root (or whichever company pays the locals to wash your nasty ass laundry) doesn’t have their hand in the pot?
    Brown and Root pays local people six figure salaries to deliver water to US Camps in places like Kosovo. I have seen these well-paid employees sleep over 3/4 of their workday away. I saw 4 people doing the job of one man. Yes, I was there…I switched to Army.
    2) Why don’t you try double, triple, and quadruple-checking your ‘facts’, and then check them again. I’ll tell you about a real propaganda machine…revisionist history (sometimes known as ‘whitewashing’). Gee, thanks, democrats @@. REAL history was too violent for our children, I guess. It must be better to lie so we can hide our heads in the sand and pretend that the world is a shiny happy place (except of course, for those evil Americans headed by Bush the Antichrist @@). I check-sources that agree with my way of thinking AND sources that don’t, and then use logic and common sense to find the truth. There are always two sides to the same story and the truth is almost always halfway between the two.
    As far as what political party I support (for those who were afraid to ask)… None. If only the ballot were more of a free for all instead of the tired old two party system we have today. Of course, that’s all we have had since our our country first began. Remember, too, that we are a Republic, not a Democracy (on the National and State levels). You do not vote directly, the electoral college decides your vote for you. This is why it was so easy for 3/4 of the military’s absentee ballots to disappear (sadly enough, many people think that the military is Republican-only, even though many service-members voted Democrat).
    I nice being able to think for myself and not have to tow ANY party lines… That way, I am always on MY side.
    3) Read my other posts if you still think I’m wet behind the ears. I have gone by 42, 42TMOLTUAE, and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You seem to have a river running from behind yours.
    4) As far as your cabbage, most of the cabbage people have anymore was given out like candy. All you need is a day in country to get a patch. Personally, I was in the Gulf in ’96/’97 the first time I deployed.
    5) An example of the intelligence I’ve seen from the 82nd: Soldiers in the 82nd were wondering why it looked like razor blades had been taken to their underwear and why the locals hated them so much in Kosovo (I heard this time and time again when my unit, 10th MTN, took over your missions). I never wondered…all the ‘Suck a Dick, Albanians, the Serbs were the good guys’ crap I heard and saw tagged everywhere on Camp Bondsteel (the area was mainly Albanian, so naturally, most of the Brown and Root workers were Albanian). What were you trying to do? Restart the war?!?!? Didn’t you notice the violence increase when your unit started taking sides? Hell, I got along with BOTH Albanians and Serbs.
    The 82nd war cry during OEF2: We’re not meant to deploy this long (Sniff). Where’s 10th MTN to relieve us?
    We had just gotten back from OEF1 3 months before the 82nd started crying. Funny, 10th MTN didn’t whimper.

  224. 42 says:

    What happened to my last post, Masa?
    Thoughtstone gets to use lame insults like shit for brains and my retort is not posted?
    I suppose if you don’t want it on the blog…but could you at least forward it to thoughtstone?

  225. thoughtstone says:

    you still sound like a sniveling little school girl
    ;( waaaaaaaaa ;( ahhh aaaaaa waaaaaaa;(!!!!!11!!!1!!!
    (what happened to my last post, masa?)waaaaaaaa;(aaaaawaa ;(
    you are an incredible embarrassment to your military and to your country
    kellogg brown and root (KBR) employees are paid for with us citizen tax dollars
    KBR is also the arm of halliburton (dick cheneys former company) that goes to war to provide services such as food and laundry as well as camp construction, power generation, transportation and many many “other services” that in the past were military obligations
    KBR employees all cary us military ID cards and receive military benefits
    KBR subcontracts out to a kuwaiti co. called bpp for the use of very very cheap labour from (TCNs) third country nationals, guys from india and pakistan, as well as a few (LNs) local nationals, guys from iraq
    the employees from KBR treat the TCNs and LNs like dirt most of the time thus creating a very bad impression of what the us citizens are really like
    the mere idea of debasing their identity by labeling them TCNs is in itself very racist and demeaning at its core
    I was involved with the cjtf7, so yes, I was around “the money”
    I have seen a 2million dollar pay out (in cash) go to a contractor form the us, not kbr, for the job of providing security for commercial flights out of biap, (baghdad intl’ airport)
    funny thing, there was no commercial flights in or out of biap
    all and all though I still say to you “good luck”
    – because with your attitude and lack of intellect, you are going to need all the luck you can get –
    you speak of the moral foundations of “men” such as facts and truth, and yet in the end you are nothing more than a helpless woman
    so long and thanks for all the fish
    ======frpm MasaMamniA
    Thaqnk you

  226. 42 says:

    Thank you, Masa! Hopefully all the Anti-American types will think before posting. Hopefully, everyone will stop generalizing and decide who they like and who they dislike based on the individual person, not the person’s country of origin or their ethnic background. Hopefully, people will start looking at the big picture and not let themselves be so prone to political bias.
    Thank you, Masa for keeping the small things in life interesting and not pretending that any one picture portrays the whole world. You’re still at the top of my list of favorites.

  227. thoughtstone says:

    to all who read my post
    I am only speaking in jest
    do not be offended by what you might read here
    do not take anything you read here seriously
    I am only trying to make light entertainment of current social-Darwinisim
    that being said
    I am also a fan of douglas adams

  228. 42 says:

    *Nodding head* Truce 🙂
    I didn’t find your post offensive, per se. If it had been serious, I would have called it unenlightened; however, as you said, it was meant in jest.
    No harm, no foul.

  229. 42 says:

    *Nodding head* Truce 🙂
    I didn’t find your post offensive, per se. If it had been serious, I would have called it unenlightened; however, as you said, it was meant in jest.
    No harm, no foul.
    Snivelling school girl I am not…merely trying to be informative (as I said, the truth usually lies between the two sides/extremes). Another point, read closely-I never said Bush was not profitting from the debacle-only that he wasn’t the only recipient. Yes, B&R, our tax dollars at work (@@), but our taxes AND whatever Bush recieves IS, in fact, part of the same US economy.
    Now that this debate is over (or near it)…
    Have you seen the new Hitchhiker’s Guide movie, yet? If you have, is it as good as the book(s)?

  230. 42 says:

    I found a snivelling schoolgirl for you, thoughtstone…well, she’s snivelling, anyway.
    As for social-Darwinism, she is a prime example of someone who needs to be ‘culled from the herd’.

  231. ANARCHY RULES!!! says:

    Bush is a little fagget…o ya i think he planed 9/11…and for that he will burn in hell…FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!!! anarchy..say it loud and proud

  232. fuck bush says:

    THIS WORLD IS FUCKING CRAZY!!! i mean come on our pres. is bush and vice pres. is dick

  233. bush hater 707 says:

    HEY, lets bomb texas…they have oil too!!!!

  234. Go Go Godzilla! says:

    I love your broken english!
    It just makes you sound so stereotypical.
    Japan has a very dirty past hat they dont like to talk about too.
    How they raped and murdered people when they invaded China in ww2.
    You assholes would have dropped the atomic bomb on us too if you had them.
    It is always in style to hate whoever has what others do not.
    Jealousy runs deep it seems.
    I am from America and I did not vote for Bush and yes he does suck ass!
    He is totally insane!
    I am part of the small group here that believes in true freedom and not greed and war.
    Bitching on here about these things will never change anything.
    Communism and terrorism are the real enemies.
    The human race will never progress as long as we keep fighting over meaningless things.
    Maybe if you had freedom you would have a better understanding.
    Yes there are things that America is doing wrong and we are not perfect.
    If you judge the people by the actions of a lunatic who stole the election then you are greatly mistaken.
    Not all of us agree with the terrible things that our lunatic leader does.
    I know it is hard for you to believe but there are many intelligent and freedom loving people here who are against what he is doing.
    I am against the war in Iraq because it had nothing to do with september 11th.
    It was just an excuse to go steal some oil.
    Now the American people have to suffer world wide humiliation because our president is an idiot.
    But most people are mad around the world because we dont do things their way.
    All the asians want the whole world to be asian and all the blacks want everything to be black.
    But that is not going to happen.
    We are all here on this earth and we have to learn to live in peace.
    I have to say Fuck Bush because I believe he is not the rightful president.
    But America is not really the way you think you see it.
    I dont see people running around saying fuck japan or shit like that.
    The only bad white people are the rednecks who fuck their own sisters.
    They are the ones who started slavery.
    It was the south not the north.
    But im sure some mindless idiots will read this and not understand a dam word of it because you are all blinded by hate.
    Everyone wants to rules the world and japanese are no exception.
    For example if I say that I hate China.
    I dont mean the citizens of China but I hate their communist government.
    So hate Bush all you want but the American people are not what you think they are.
    Dont forget that it was the japanese who started the war with the united states in ww2.
    They lied to us and agreed to have peace and the japanese turned against us and wanted war and you got war.
    Dont try to hide your own mistakes and dont try to act so innocent.
    I think the united states should pull their forces out of Japan.
    Then when north korea starts shooting missiles you can come asking us to save your asses.
    You dont have to be white to believe in freedom and peace.
    Anyone can give it a try but it is too bad there are too many greedy and sick minded people in the world to know what its like.
    The world is too ignorant and narrow minded to understand me I guess.
    I dont give a fuck what you say about what I wrote and there is nothing you can do to make me like you.
    I am against every form of communism and terrorism and even racism.
    I dont judge people on their skin but on their personal character.
    If you give into blind hatred that makes you weak.
    People hate what they dont understand and they dont understand us.
    Life is too short for this bullshit.
    You all still have many lessons to learn.
    The human race still has a long way to go until it is really grown up.
    Always look at yourself before you go blaming others.
    Bush has commited crimes but I have not.
    Judge him not me.
    I did not vote for him.
    I do not support what he has done.
    I believe in the true spirit of freedom and democracy.
    The world really can be a better place if you really want it to be.
    We spend more time hating eachother than trying to be friends.
    I hope after his term is over we will have someone who is not from a mental asylum.
    Communism must be destroyed.
    Terrorism must be erased from the planet.
    Those are all wishful thoughts but they may never come to pass unless we truly wish it so with all our hearts.
    I have said enough.
    This world is too small for us to be acting like animals.

  235. thoughtstone says:

    -go go godzilla-
    YOu are a racist
    or an idiot
    or both
    “all the asians want the whole world to be asian and all the blacks want everything to be black” ?
    that is one of the most generalized racist statements I have read in this site
    “now the american people have to suffer world wide humiliation”
    because of your insane babbling diatribe
    I believe that you are the unholy spawn of “a redneck fucking his own sister”
    your post is a bunch of non-sequiturs strung together like the
    feces lodged in the hepatic flexure of your semi-colon
    your task now is to read the end of the post by the infamous Hunter S. Thompson, in, (japanese people spend valuable time) dated 26 october, so that you will know what you need to do next

  236. kokusu says:

    Wow! So many people want to fuck people they don’t like! People who hate Bush want to fuck Bush. People who hate Japanese want to fuck Japanese. Some people hate Japanese and Americans and want to fuck them both. Sometimes when someone makes me really angry I feel like being mean to them, but I never think to myself how much I want to fuck the person I don’t like.
    I’d rather fuck my girlfriend and other cute girls if she would let me. If I like someone and they are attractive, I probably think about fucking them. I fuck for fun, not for anger. If you fuck for anger maybe your sex parts will become depressed. So, please, everyone just fuck for fun (and for reproduction, too, if you want to be a parent).

  237. thoughtstone says:

    have you ever heard of a “grudge fuck” ?

  238. lol jesus says:

    this thread makes the Baby Jesus cry…

  239. ravinNRG says:

    Dear all,
    I had begun to read all of the comments on the post,though over time I became lost within the words. As an American, I understood the comments on strife and anger towards Bush, the United States, Corporate America, and further nation fucking (or building, as you like)- and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But please also remember that, just as your view may not reflect what your country has to say completely, making you a minorty,– I, too, have the same regard and manner of disgust towards my own country.
    Talking about this disgust does nothing to prevent further damage from being done (though, just stating it offers a minute amount of catharsis), action, however, does. In the “United” States, there exists a large community of active war protestors, boycotters of the shittiest news alive (starting with Fox and heading towards CNN), and individuals who devote their lives to fighting for human rights, social justice, and the preservation of the world and it’s resources.
    I understand how Yoko Ono may be a dissapointment to Japanese culture because you feel like she sold out, but didn’t she also fall in love? Isn’t the hostility in the placement of anti- white aggresion a stereotype by which you are writing off a society you do not understand to the fullest of its capacity in the wordly spectrum? If you were to meet some of these Americans who fight within the country as you might envy to do so if you lived here, would you offer them the respect that you feel or would you write them off for their race (however, the activists of our country are certainly not just white)? While you may understand our deepest rooted pains, you disregard the beauty of our society, too.
    PleaSE, do not think that my defining of different terms is an intellectual show off; this is not the case. The fact that you write your entire sight in English shows that your prevelance in comprehension of the two most difficult languages is evidence enough of your own critical thinking and advancement in positions of knowledge that I, myself, am ignorant to.
    I wish to thankyou as a people for throwing a middle finger up to the man who claims his faith in his Christian God guides his decisions. As a Christian my first question is, “Doesn’t that make Bush the Anti- Christ?” Haha. Keep the fight up you guys, and if you wish to visit to observe our struggles in action against hypocrisy, you have a home in the United States- though you may cringe at those words. Throw me your thoughts and words of reflection. Peace. Keep fighting.
    “I would rather fight for freedom than be a prisoner of life.” – Bob Marley

  240. Bloody Bear says:

    Russian Federation prevails.

  241. Juicio says:

    “Fuck Bush” could be popular, but those people probably do not really know why they hate the president Bush. They just say “fuck” because they feel angry and “Fuck Bush” is easy way to express frustration.
    But really if these people tried to explain why they hate Bush then they should also look at their own government. Then they should put “Fuck Koizumi” sticker on their skateboard next to the “Fuck Bush.”
    I also think they only mean to disrespect Bush, and do not wish to disrespect the American people.

  242. 42 says:

    Hey, Jucio, Americans disrespect Bush, too.
    Here’s a link to something that’s been getting forwarded to damn near everyone in my platoon. I though it was funny-funny enough that I just had to share…
    It’s a parody of P.I.M.P. by 50 cent.

  243. Soldiers with shovels…the latest in Bush’s war on terra…The ‘turtle ditches’ (drainage ditchs) in the US Army Camp I work in are now free of ‘terra’.
    Just an example of bad word-play. It happens when you’re out in the sun too long. The Soldier who came up with it thought he was funny, anyway.
    Good ol’ spring clean-up…

  244. quake says:

    haha, all you “fuck bush” pussies just dont get it. As long as there are people who want to kill us, there will always be war, which will cause more people to hate us and want to kill us. its a vicious cycle. “FUCK BUSH FUCK WAR” hahaha, shut the fuck up hippie. UK has a larger presence in iraq than we do. Japanese have troops in iraq too, http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/afx/2005/05/10/afx2012262.html
    ignorant fucks, dont you know there must be perpetual war to secure perpetual peace? if human beings werent assholes, this may not be the case!

  245. thoughtstone says:

    -fun stuff-
    contradiction ?, stupidity ?
    entertainment !!!

  246. Geo W. Bush is the worst president in U.S. History. Perhaps he thinks he is Genghis Kahn. Well . . . thats really unfair, Genghis was a much more likeable guy than W. Lets hope that history will bury this boob into the dungheap of reality, so he will be remembered the same way Rutherford B. Hayes is.

  247. Adelphia Malloc says:

    ok ok ok, yes americans are dumb, ingnorant, impatient, retarded, in-bred lowlife assholes, but you know what, ok you know what, every fucking country has evil people, it just so happened that we a few more of them. Life is so fucked up right now, cause like karma, our asses are soon to suffer the slings and arrows of a nuclear disaster, why you ask. Hmm… thought you would never ask. Well who first off would not want to nuke us, canada, mexico, ….. oh that was probably it, and only cause they are so close :). 2nd our government and all others as well have become so complicated and intracate that we no longer have the capability or means to monitor or police the high end billets and government positions, to keep those evil people that we have so many of, from being exactly thier namesake, EVIL, well ok, fuck the bush, bin laden, and saudi royal family. heh heh or should I just say all who are recieving money from the “bin laden group” ok go ahead google it, you might find it directly under IRAQI war crimes. peace 🙂

  248. Hemroids says:

    Why is this internet drama shit still going on? Yeah so what we aren’t perfect, but guess what? Nobody fucking is.

  249. myugenjin says:

    It’s not a question of who’s perfect but who is more responsible. Domestically democrats keep their heads up their asses while internationally republicans keep their heads up their asses it’s plain and simple.
    This is what gives our country it’s shitty repretation. You can’t truly believe that foriegn country’s liked Clinton while he “closed the market” Nor that they liked Bush because he’s a war monger.
    Business is business and after thuroughly studying gov’t & econ you’ll clearly see why there is war.
    People who hate Bush/Clinton in foreign country’s are just pissed that they can’t stabilize their economy.With the exception of Islam!
    Sure we have a deficit & lost jobs, America runs of off debt just look at how much is purchased with credit cards. If every black person in the U.S. as well as Latino person had a job then Inflation would skyrocket.
    So to a certain degree we as #1 need bad shit like this. And because just about everyone in the world knows Americans are either dem. or rep. They can generalize as to whether they like us or not. Depending on the ruling party.

  250. Mulock Focker says:

    You are full of shit. The realm of understanding will prevail over time and you shall be removed from the planet. Filthy Humans. Your time has come.

  251. thoughtstone says:

    parody, humor, not real, but funny ? =
    = [] =
    _–__–__ +++||+++__–__–

  252. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  253. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  254. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  255. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  256. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  257. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  258. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  259. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  260. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  261. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  262. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  263. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  264. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  265. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  266. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  267. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  268. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  269. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  270. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  271. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  272. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  273. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  274. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  275. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  276. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  277. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  278. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  279. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  280. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  281. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  282. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  283. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  284. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  285. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  286. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  287. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  288. hey bush is a criminal, tony blair is a criminal, putin is a criminal, zapatero is a criminal, all th epoliticians are criminal so the best way to build a better is kill all the politicians i think is the best

  289. chris says:

    I am an American and I say fuck Japan. You Japs are nothing but bitches for us to fuck for our national interest and then throw into garbage when your use expires. I am with the military academy, about the graduate next year. When I am general I am going to make sure I nuke your no-good-fucking island back to stone age this time and lock all of you Japanese up for eternity this time.
    America is coming, you Jap motherfuckers (I have always wanted to say that after watching Pearl Harbour and Windtalkers). Tommy Frank and George W. Bush and all the hawks in our country are going to shit all over your pathetic nation.

  290. Duane says:

    Alright commie fucks. I agree with Fuck Bush and his polocies, but give our way a life a break. Your all forgeting the main principle that america stands for. FREEDOM
    Yeah so our country is only 200 years old. That means we have done more in 200 years than most countries have done in thousands. Go fucking figure. Hmmm…. You mean that freedom allows for competition that enhances the educational and technological advancement of a culture. Wow if that is what the devil stands for than rock on satin. At least I can wake up at noon walk down to my pool and lay on my well toned ass in the sun all day and choose weither I shall eat a bigmac or a bowl of rice. Maybe I will pour some sodium saturated soy sauce all over my bigmac. America is a melting pot of all ethnicities that provide many types of nutrition. I can eat a gyro, slam a burrito, dine on some sushi, seafood, italian, in the same day. It’s my decision on how much and what I eat. Hey if you don’t like our food then don’t eat it. Then it will go out of business in your country. That would be easy huh…then why are they still popping up everywhere. Probably because it’s human nature to slam a tasty meal rather than chew on bamboo. I am from a lower middle class family and probably still had a better life than the average person in Japan or China. I probably wouldn’t have the money I have today if I didn’t bust my ass in high school and then use the government educational benefits to succeed in higher education. I still have to pay them back, but trust me it’s better than working in a rice field for a nickel a day. I would rather be poor in the united stated then have money in a country that has barely evolved in thousands of years. Oh, the reason that we have more pollution is because I crank up my air conditioning that I choose to pay for and forgot to turn off a couple of lights in many decked out apartment. I then get in my sports car and fly down the highway with my top down. I am just one of millions of fun loving americans that enjoy this freedom.
    At least our descendants had the brains to get the hell out of dodge while Europe had their nuts in a bind. Hey I got a idea…Pull out all our fucking troops everywhere and bring them back to the U.S.
    Then guard all our borders and lock out every green card carrying asshole. Then we can let the other side of the world fuck eachother in the ass with war until their is a super power that will really fuck us all over. Correct me if I am wrong , but didn’t Hitler try that shit…and didn’t we bail out the rest of the world with the blood of our own people. When it all comes down to it we spend more on military than the whole fucking world combined and we still have a bad ass country. If we really wanted to take over the world than we would probably make Hitler look like a pussy. We have more missles and nukes than some populations of small countries. Will we use them? No NO NO, Not unless North Korea does something very fucking stupid and starts some shit with us and threatens our way of life. So our country is a big business. If your people don’t like our companies then don’t deal with us and make your daily rounds on your bicycle through the fish market you call home.

  291. Duane says:

    American men get all the hot pussy around the world. Asians are jealous that we bang all their hot girls and they can’t get our girls. That’s what I am talking about when I say fuck bush, but I would rather fuck shaved. That way I can see the slanted asian pussy that I am raw dogging as I blow a “bombs bursting in air” cum load right in her. Then when she gets pregnant with good american DNA we might eventually create a slew of Tiger Woods for our American entertainment value.

  292. スコット says:

    ============from MasaManiA
    Hahaha, American people is really full of variety.

  293. mando says:

    sure you are “free” Duh-wayne, but at what price? You can kill the earth with your pollution and fuck everybody with your selfish foreign policy, violence and murder, but what are you in the end? Another brainwashed fucking asshole who is a slave to conformity, capatalism and mass-media bullshit. The rest of the world knows that most Americans are ignorant assholes who dont give a fuck about anything except big macs and “I, me, mine”, and thats why your piece of crap “free” country is so fucked up…just make sure you dont freely drive your honky convertible into the wrong neighbourhood, i’m sure you won’t. Democracy and capitalism don’t work!! You can force people to do what you want, but not forever!!! REVOLUTION IS EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  294. Duane Henneman says:

    Ok Mando or is it Mandildo you seem like a good english speaking person. Who taught you that language anyway. What the fuck is a honky. If a “honky” is defined as a person that dropped 62,000 dollars in cash on a brand new Convertible Corvette with all the options then you can lable me “honky”. So I guess we are stereotyping now. Well let’s see let me do a little bit of that myself. All japanese people know karate. All japanese people have small dicks. All Japanese people are actually aliens, hence their slanty eyes and weird language. See it doesn’t do any good for anyone to stereotype and label people because no one is perfect. Americans aren’t perfect just like every other country. Capitalism and Democracy have their problems, but don’t all governments. Theirs no such thing as a perfect way to govern the people and if there is then humans have yet to find it. You think people in the states are greedy and self centered and “brain washed” in our society. You have got to be kidding me. Jealousy infects your mind and all the other people that hate us. Envy can drive a person crazy. I am sure your hatred is fueled by your lack of money and your inability to travel the world and see for yourself. If you have money then you are a lying fuck and are greedy yourself. So if you are poor you probably have jealous anger, and if you have money then share it with your people you greedy fuck. At least I donate ten percent of my money to charity and ten hours of my own “free” time a week to charitable events. What do you do in your spare time? Sit in a corner and make angry faces at U.S. policy or do you skate around spray painting I Fuck Bush all over your neiborhood. In the U.S. we definately have the freedom to do what the fuck we want with certain ethical bounderies that most countries share. The biggest beef I have with people like you is the fact that you are using a computer and the internet. These resources are not accesible to many people, but somehow you are afforded the opertunity to use it. That sounds to me like you have opertunities that others like you haven’t. I bet you drive a brand spanking new car with a decked out system. You drive your car around with your music blaring don’t you. I bet you have more money then most of your friends and love it. Your ideals are confused along with your “Revolution is every day”. What the hell is your Revolution. You must be joking. What are you doing?..playing pokemon cards and turned up a revolution card.
    Don’t tell me you have visited the U.S. and please don’t tell me you have lived here, and please please pleasssse don’t tell me you live here now because that would top off the rediculous argument you have. I have travelled the world and smelled the smells of bad sanitation and crappy housing. Saw governments in shambles and the people that starve under its rule. I have seen women abused by their culture. I have seen death and destruction in almost every country. I have also been to every U.S. state all 50 of them. Our worst housing projects resemble some of the nicer ones in the third world countries I have been too. Competition in our way of life leaves a small amount of people poor in my country. We are working on helping these people. We are evolving in that aspect. Come to the states and talk to its citizens before making judgements. You will find many people that are very spiritual and caring to other cultures. The minority of our country are disrespting to other races and gender, but for the most part the majority of the people are not. Stop crying and do something worth while. Adopt a starving child from ethiopia. I have adopted two myself. They will now live a happy life instead of starving to death in a third world country.
    I can’t seem to get off of the “Revolution is Every Day” comment you made because I almost fell off of my chair in laughter. Who are the people that are in this Revolution? Could you elaborate on this because I am sure this will be good. If you are talking about Americans being forced then you are crazy as hell because we aren’t forced to do a damn thing. Do yourself a favor and stop listening to propaganda. The only way to know for sure is to learn from experience not from some asshole with a suit and tie on the news. So we have a shitty president right now, but the important thing is that we all know this and he can never be the president again. He is out in a few years and we will vote on a new one. The war will be over in Iraq and our volunteers of war (and I stress the word volunteers) will return proudly to their families.
    Take it easy Mando and good luck. Bisit the states sometime. We will welcome all of your with a warm heart, but with your Revolution just don’t bring that shit over here because I will personally ship you back with chopsticks crammed in your ass.

  295. Duane Henneman says:

    Oh I just wanted you to know that I live down the street from a McDonalds (owned by a Japanese man and his wife). I can walk there in a couple of minutes but I haven’t ate there yet. In fact I haven’t had any of that shit for years. A small population of Americans eat at Mcdonalds, but they do it so frequently that it seems like all Americans eat that shit. Most americans eat healthy, but then you wouldn’t know that because you are in your house in Japan with your eyeballs stuck to the television. If you really want to know what unhealthy is then go to Ohio State University. Walk down highstreet and watch groups of Asians smoke cigarette after cigarette until they are gone then they buy more. I have never seen so many people smoke cigarettes in my life than Asian students at Ohio State University. None of my friends are stupid enough to smoke those cancer sticks.

  296. thoughtstone says:

    -duane henneman-
    your comments reflect your narrow-minded limited intellect
    then again you are amerikan, so it is expected
    also you epitomize everything that sucks about your nation
    your lies only shine light on your adolescent insecurities
    its time for you to grow up little boy

  297. Duane says:

    Hey thoughtstone smoke another cigarette. What is so great about you and your country? Instead of blasting americans and our way of life just let me in on some of your accomplishments the last two hundred years. This should be good. Why your at it think about it while sitting in the dark because if it wasn’t for Americans that’s exactly what you would be doing. Ok you got me I am an adolescent little boy. What do you expect me to do in American. I’ll tell you what. This is what I will do thoughtstone. I will forget the six years of college that I went. I will burn everything and move to a new country. I will then beg for change on the streets just to afford to eat enough calories to sustain a minimal life. I can’t do it man. I am sorry that I am not that great of a person to give up everything. No matter what Americans say all “intellectuals” from other countries will bad mouth and call us brainwashed because we live in a country were we can do anthing we want. I apologize sincerely for all the hardships that you are facing as a country that lives in the shadow of America. If your country would have had the heart and the resources to win you would be apologizing to me because you would be living so great and it would be me probably bitching about your policy. I would probably start a website like Fuck Yang si or some thing like that and bad mouth Japanese people. I would be like people in Japan have all the cars and the money. They start war for oil and they brainwash their people. It is so easy to criticize something from afar. I catch myself criticizing other leaders polocies, but then I remember that I can’t believe what’s on the television because it’s all bullshit. Anyway It’s a great holiday in America this weekend and I am off to workout, eat some sushi and play some golf. Have fun bitching because I am fascinated by all your thoughts.

  298. Chad says:

    You all are fucking gay. I am from America, and I am proud of it even though I don’t agree with everything that occurs here. Whats up with everyone ganging up on America? There are plenty of other countries out there that are majorly fucked up and doing very BAD things, 100x worse then anything America has done lately. When I walk around the streets here in my town, I do not see starving children, or mass genocide. Your hate is displaced. Fuck Bush? I’m not saying I’m for Bush, but come on, are you saying your own countries are perfect? Are you all completely controlled by America, and thats why its the only thing you fucking bitch about? Get fucking lives. Hate yourselves some, its fuN! 🙂
    Oh ya, good site masa. I’m a japanese fanboy. I’m sorry. Who wants poon?

  299. Chad says:

    I would have to say everything Duane has said is absolutely correct. GG.

  300. I_Never_Lie says:

    Bush got back his image through stickers which is, by the way very trendy in Japan!
    What more is there to say? Wearing ‘Fuck Bush’ accessories is a must!
    Just order it now before it sells out!

  301. Bush is #1 says:

    I am surprised by Japanese Fuck Bush trend. Many a American dick has heated up the sweet juices of a Japanese girl pussy. We also freely give up our American bitches to Jap guys and we hire Jap guy by the boat load. President Nixon made this possible when he opened Japan to the west in 1972 and honorable George Bush #2 continues this policy. Tom Cruise was supposed to stop this Fuck Bush trend. Except for a few big mouths, most Americans love George Bush.

  302. Masa,
    Isn’t Fuck Koizumi is trendy in Japan, too? See http://masamania-com.check-xserver.jp/archives/pic/shukan_gendai.jpg
    As for me, I want to fuck your girlfriend, http://masamania-com.check-xserver.jp/archives/pic/porn_shooting.jpg Please make this happen (or at least squeeze her nipples for me.) Thanks.
    =======from MasaManiA
    fuck teen girls is now trend in Japan

  303. TM says:

    http://www.corleone.tk go check it out, and I got just one more thing too say…… FUCK BUSH

  304. earthbase says:

    BUSH is a symbol of what most americans are like. THEY VOTED FOR HIM !!!! what a bunch of lowbreds.

  305. Trivium says:

    White power, white supremacy

  306. earthbase says:

    Why does the Japanese government still allow US BASES (rapist training grounds) in Japan? How long do the Japanese people have to put up with them? They says its in the US national interest. Is it in Japan’s interest? To be honest, I know many americans, and like them. I just dont like the flag waving, uneducated, brainwashed, fuking fat-ass 12 hamberburg eatting, saudi cock sucking, SUV glutton driving, environment poisoning, war mongering americans. DONT BUY ANYTHING AMERICAN !!!!!! BOYCOTT AMERICAN PRODUCTS ! !!!

  307. thygjyk says:

    “White power, white supremacy”
    WTH , are you a fucking KKK
    if so go kill yourself

  308. classicman says:

    Yes, children, I know, I know, I know. The world can be a terribly confusing place sometimes, and human beings do very nasty things. This is especially true when people have wars, because once people start killing, they can’t stop. This is why it is a good idea not to have wars.
    If we look in the history books, children, we can find many examples of people from all countries in all ages doing terrible things. Tortures and murders and things like that.
    But you shouldn’t let this give you nightmares or make you unhappy about the world. You see, until quite recently, people had to do as they were told by bad kings and queens and they couldn’t choose what do to themselves. So when the bad ruler told them to do something, they had to do it, even if they didn’t want to and it meant killing people!
    But nowadays people don’t have to do as they are told so much. They can go and live in other countries and learn about other people and become friends with them. And now people from different countries are much more likely to help one another, by buying and selling things to and from each other. That’s better than having a nasty little war, isn’t it? Of course it is.
    When you all get older, I’ll tell you more stories about this buying and selling game. It’s called economics, and I’ll tell you about an Englishman called Adam Smith who made the very great discovery that when people buy and sell things to and from one another, everyone becomes better off. It’s what is called a “Plus Sum Game”. It means everyone wins. Isn’t that nice?
    But that’s for when you’re older. For now you must be interested, oh, in your pop music and your fashion and video games and all the other things that you “young people” do to pass your time.
    Just remember that most of the time people are friendly to one another, and that’s how it should be, because life is very short and if you are nasty to other people you will be very bitter when you get old. People are only nasty to other people because they are frightened, and they are frightened because they know that they are definitely going to die. Just imagine it! As soon as we’re born, children, we are dying! That’s a terrible thought. But it’s not so bad when you understand properly.
    But that’s called philosophy and has stuff about God and man’s spirit, and things like that. Perhaps it’s even more complicated than economics!
    It’s for another day. For now, just make sure you get to bed early, or you’ll be tired in school tomorrow.

  309. Hayate392 says:

    If you all hate Bush so much,
    then why tha fuck is he president now ?

  310. hardyandtiny says:

    It’s Bush’s responsibility to be disliked. Keep concentrating on Bush and everything is going as planned.

  311. ethr says:

    to MASA
    I’ve looked around the site for the past 10 minutes, you need to know how much ass you are kicking.
    a lot.
    I hope I can come visit you when I go to japan.
    =============from MasaManiA
    Thank you

  312. Meatsim says:

    Dudes, we just have to get rid of Nationalism altogether. Dissolve all borders and let all the poor rush to the rich countries (although not Japan cause its so crowded already). Then all the rich fucks will go and exploit Africa or something. In the end it’ll probably all even out. Such a thing would never happen tho. The US and China are both patriotic as shit.

  313. mongolwolf says:

    fuck the chinese ! they are infection on the planet , we will be ridden of them before they are to be rid of us ! ,
    their permenet demise is to come , its only a matter of time !

  314. Mandi says:

    I am completely amazed by the amount of ignorant responses.
    Everyone needs to quit whining about who does/did what to whatever country. Yes, people are horrible creatures who do wicked things regardless of nation, race, gender, etc.
    Everyone needs to stop with “I hate (insert country) and all the people that live there”, because it’s hatred like that that causes wars. And isn’t that what everyone seems to be speaking out against? It seems a little hypocritical.

  315. In response to Japan’s fuck Bush trend, Bush started ‘Fuck You, Masa’ trend in US. See:

  316. hahaha says:

    One Day China will own Japan. US cannot save you anymore hahahah. USA will laugh too.

  317. h. says:

    freedom my ass. americans get less freedom than everybody with bush and they claim to have freedom. fuck americans who support bush.

  318. mpjbay says:

    I agree. Fuck Bush. I was born and raised in Northern California, USA. I hate bush. He is detroying the world. He stole an election and is doing a good job making everyone from America look like an asshole. The truth is half the people in this country are assholes but then again half the people on this planet are assholes. Nice site. Keep up the good work =)
    mpjbay aka dj dub

  319. david says:

    Geoge Bush is a good man my guess is u all have been listening to liberal media like ABC CBS NBC (fox news isn’t bad though) just to name a few of the worst—I have head on ABC they said that the republicans started the wars so bush could get elected again?I was outraged?it’s things like that that cheat the democrats into first place. They all have lied in your face just to tell u the truth (liberal media) . I bet 99% have never even met bush and don’t even know him. He is a very exceptional man, and is ALOT better than liberals like the Clintons, or John Kerry and the evil Durban who hates America, why would anyone criticize people dieing for them by getting there heads cut off anyway. I’ll tell u the only good news station is 1370 WSPD AM which can be head at http://players.eonstreams.com/FastAim/Player/Player.php?PlayerID=139 George bush has had the victim’s families actually come to the whit hose and spend hours with them, but do the media ever tell you that? NO!!!!!!! Do they EVER they’ll you the full story on anything having to do with bush? NO!!!!!!! They said very little about the bill passed in congress saying that land could be taken from the poor by the rich (by the way those who voted for that were liberals) oh and about Durban here are the soviets http://www.veteranscava.org/photos_that_will_never_make_the.htm

  320. bob says:

    the white dude in the last picure is masa mania!
    ========from MasaManiA
    No, it’s from reader. and it’s make confusing so i delete it.

  321. CS says:

    Honestly, you guys can have Yoko Ono back. We really didn’t want her in the first place (PS: “Yoko” married a BRITISH guy, not AMERICAN.) Bush is pretty dumb, personally I would’ve loved it if Joe Lieberman were president.. he seems like a really cool guy with good ideas. Now come on, people, putting down America like that is just plain rude and irresponsible. I’m not saying we don’t have our faults, but imagine if this country were run by other irresponsible leaders, such as Kim Jung Il, or Hitler, or some other communist leader or dictator.
    We only have to put up with him for 3 and a half more years. Does every other country really want to ruin its relationship with the United States that bad? I mean, you hear these documentaries and conspiracy theories from crackpots talking about 9/11 was a hoax and all we wanted was oil from Iraq, and you seem to readily pass up all the good that’s coming from it.
    Democracy is spreading in the middle east.. irresponsible leaders and dictators are getting worried and giving up their secret weapons (ie: Libya), the Iranians are realizing how closely the US is watching their elections and are starting to speak out about the votes being rigged..
    We’re not the anti-christ, we’re not the horsemen of the apocolypse.. we’re just going through a bad point in time. Call it post-9/11 syndrome, we’ve taken our 2 pills, and we’re calling in for work 3 days (err, years) sick.
    But relax.. we’ll be back. Until then, we’ll hold the doors open for ya.
    oh yea, and fuck BUSH. but love US. we love you. (honestly, your culture is spreading like a wildfire here.)

  322. thoughtstone says:

    your words fall short of meaning and could never be taken seriously
    you seem to be very “glib”
    after looking up “glib”, I also suggest that you research the word “misanthrope”, I believe this is a word that you can relate to.
    also if it is the truth you thirst for, then stop drinking from the pool of ignorance (faux news)
    -try this for truth-

  323. Bush is #1, haven’t you checked the approval ratings for Bush? They are incredibly low for such a ‘well liked President’.
    Earthbase, go ahead, boycott American-made products and make Mexico bankrupt (that’s where the parts for our products are made-only the final assembly is conducted in the US (usually). In fact, buy Japanese. Many of the parts they use are made in the US (we are considered cheap labor, but who cares? It’s money in our pockets). BTW, have you compared how many rapes (per capita) in Japan are committed by Japanese to how many (per capita) are committed by US servicemembers. I didn’t think so. US servicemembers just get more publicity because they are foreigners, that’s all.
    Hayate, everyone makes mistakes. This was a mistake on a grand scale, true, but such things have been known to happen in every country.
    Heh, deja vu, Mandi. I posted the same thing almost word for word somewhere. I’ll have to find it 🙂

  324. Haha says:

    Hola houp!
    haha its a very funny web site haha but seem nice too hehe!
    Mosh everybody! FuCK B*S*!
    emen3m rules (c)

  325. Knodel says:

    Fuck Bush is popular in Germany, too! All those little super-punky punks say, they hate Bush but don’t know anything about him (in political view)! Its kind of silly.

  326. Fuck Bush is no japanese schwarzenegger
    japanese schwarzenegger 1
    japanese schwarzenegger 2

  327. илья says:


  328. USA says:

    This is how we feel in the US:
    Respect the George Bush, Expel the Foreign Barbarians! George Bush を尊重しなさい、外国の野蛮人を排出しなさい

  329. Jayson says:

    Sadly, Fuck Bush is trendy in america too.

  330. A Friend says:

    Fuck Bush is everywhere, even in South Africa

  331. The other, other white meat says:

    Well, for all the ‘All (and only) Americans are evil’ types out there, this is one of the reasons why so many people are anti-American in Korea.
    I’m not even going to comment on the idiocy of ‘Rich’ (the first post commenting on the story). The holes in his logic are even bigger than the Grand Canyon.

  332. Duane says:

    I am dating a Japanese girl right now and I really like having sex with her. She makes a funny panting noise when I rail her. I make her call me lord Duane as I penetrate her. Here’s a shout out to Tokyo for delivering such a fine ass booty to my home. I was a little dissapointed when she told me that she didn’t know karate because I wanted to film her jumping around naked breaking boards with flying kicks and punches. I guess I can’t have everything.
    I can’t wait to have little tiger woods for kids.

  333. An American says:

    Fuck Bush and fuck the ignorant, jingoistic Americans that have posted to this thread. If I saw you in an alley I would smear your head into the pavement with my boot and piss on the stain left behind! I secretly wish China or any of the alleged countries with nuclear capabilities would erase this squallid country and abruptly cease the looping bloodlines of all our xenophobes and fucking bible thumpers.

  334. fcukbsuh says:

    in response to message posted by mark at September 19, 2004 02:16 PM- “lost of pent up feelings” etc…
    Mark maybe you should educate yourself a little more before you make your stupid blog postings. you said that japan didnt get incinerated during WW2. well here is a history lesson for you. all people focus on is the atomic bombs. what everyone forgets is that the US airforce destroyed 60-90% of over 60 japanese cities using firebombs prior to the dropping of the atomic bombs. the us didnt incinerate japan? bullshit- you are a perfect example of what is wrong with bush and his supporters – ignorance and stupidity.
    all hail chicks and beer

  335. Canadian says:

    This bitch-fest is too depressing. The ranting and raving that I’ve read on this website is a perfect example of what is wrong with the world. People love to hate because they need a reason for their own insecurities, and a place to lay blame for everything that is wrong in their own little lives, and their own country. Why can’t people let go of the past, and realize that we need to get on with our short lives and be happy with what we’ve got. Every country’s government has its own skeletons in the closet and all that b/s. No country is exempt from causing bad things to happen at some point in time. Maybe governments/terrorists would stop waging wars if people learned to love themselves, as well as each other…only in a perfect world, unfortunately.

  336. TOJO says:


  337. Mary says:

    I’m french and in France we don’t like too Bush. It’s an stupid boy and in french : un gros connard de fils de pute ! Thanks

  338. Fuck BUllSHit_CondomRiza says:

    Everywhere the us go = Dead people
    – Their Country is based from the genocide of the red Skins
    – Vietnam War, Napalm prohibited weapon
    – Nuclear Bombing in Japan
    US Go Home, let people live their life. “Stupid politicians”
    Bush Go Fuck URSELF. The Story tells that the Great ROME Fall, one day u ll FALL and CHINA will RAISE

  339. eric says:

    hey you fucking japs you’re all a bunch of preverted weirdos who have an obsession with gay ass cartoons and queer video games. all you little piss skined japs need to get fucking nuked again.
    USA pwned you, and still pwns you

  340. eric says:

    Jesus i’m suprisied you gay little japs found time to learn absolutly everything about America and the American government. I’m gald that a bunch of 16 year old japanese teenagers have an extensive knowledge about the situation of the world, and how to fix it, and whos responsible for it. Why don’t you gay little japs go back to your queer cartoons and stupid video games. By the way, FUCK japan, you little yellow skined pussies should get fucked nuked again

  341. All your base now belong to us says:

    Rome fell, the US will fall one day, maybe China will rise… If it does, then one day China will fall.
    So what? Time still goes on, today still becomes history. It is simply the way things are.
    In the meantime, learn about the present. Who we call terrorists is based on opinion. The US sees suicide bombers as terrorists. Gee, go figure.
    You could just as easily say ‘Everywhere the US go=people who have been given food, shelter, water, and even protection from those who would oppress them’. Stories of children who go to school because the US rebuilt their school, or US Soldiers who raised money to put in a water system (one Soldier was actually made a Sheik by the local village elders) simply are not as popular on Al Jazeera. In politics, life is reduced to a popularity contest, nothing more, nothing less.
    If anyone else here thinks that eric is a japanophobic/xenophobia moron, I wholeheatedly agree.

  342. gangbanger says:

    fuck u jp fucks anint got no right to say shit bout us americans if we left ur sorry asses ud be speaking chinese in a week

  343. dan says:

    fuck bush right on man

  344. lonnie says:


  345. dan says:

    i like japan fuck u gangbanger

  346. jay says:

    insane clown posse rules juggalos got ur back masa yeah we love japan

  347. matthew says:

    bush is a cocksucker….i don’t think he should be fired, but maybe someone should set him on fire.
    just kidding! violence is bad. make him eat dog shit for a month.

  348. Jeff says:

    I agree…
    Fuck the entire Bush family.
    But remember, 48% of Americancan use their mind.

  349. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  350. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  351. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  352. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  353. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  354. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  355. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  356. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  357. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  358. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  359. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  360. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  361. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  362. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  363. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  364. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  365. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  366. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  367. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  368. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  369. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  370. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  371. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  372. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  373. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  374. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  375. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  376. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  377. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  378. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  379. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  380. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  381. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  382. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  383. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  384. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  385. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  386. george Bush says:

    fuck me why? I only do what Mr. Rockafeller and Rothchilds want me to do. They go to the Builderburger meetings and they decide policy and tell me what to do. They keep telling me that if I next go into Iran and Syria that I will be their best president that they handpicked for imperial USA. ps i’m supposed to keep this secret but we will use nukes in sept. 05. psssssss don’t tell anyone.

  387. Richard Clark says:

    Well, Bush is a monkey man. Please someone give him some peanuts to distract him from fucking-up the entire world. He is such a stupid dick that he hasn’t realised that not going within 75 miles of New Orleans since the disaser makes him look like a stupid dick.
    Also, please tell me that his mate Phoney Tony Blair is not popular in Japan…he is such an actor…about as trustworthy as Mao was and just as preoccupied with his own position and fuck the country and fuck the world. Sorry, I know Mao is a bit off subject but I am reading a biography of him at the moment. What an evil guy – worse than Hitler really as he just didn’t give a damn about killing 70 million (in peace time too!). I think Bush wouldn’t notice if his actins killed 70 million as long as he could have his usual breakfast, and T. Blait would gladly sacrifice 70 million people if it meant he could be president of the EU and have even more free holidays.

  388. Bush is a talking Penis, fuck Bush for his slow reponse to hurricane Katrina let thousands without homeless.

  389. TSUNAMI says:

    I just stopped in to see what FUCK BUSH was all about. I sure hope you all voted last two times & will continue to, but “WE” must do more! Why aren’t Americans in the streets raising FUCKING HELL? Is everyone anesthetized? I’m seriously looking into moving to Canada for my family’s safety! Since that mother fucker & his murdering wife got into the white house the following events have happened: Enron debacle, 9/11, shuttle crash, Iraq invasion, Abu Grabe abuse scandle,soaring energy prices (that Buch & Cheney have investments in) & Katrina tragic fiasco (I may have missed some)!!! Granted I can not blame him for everything, but I believe there are forces greater than us that are attempting to warn us of coming times if WE ALL don’t make a difinitive change in our psyche.
    PS: FUCK BUSH !!! (but not with my dick)

  390. pm says:

    masa put back that picture you put down
    ==============From MasaManiA
    Sorry but it caused confusion. so i put down

  391. pm says:

    p.s. your comment page is fucked up I can’t see the type

  392. thoughtstone says:
  393. Hebitsuikaza says:

    Half of America hates Bush too.

  394. laika says:

    Hello you people…
    so,the fuzz is about history!?Well every sain person will know that any war that ever happend ,peace ever made and everitying we call history is something we wont ever know for real,wont we!?I,myself lived throw war(in ex-Yugoslavia),i was a little girl then but my father went (long story…our ‘friends next door’ sudently torn against us for no reason-our nacionality-and that is one of the things that i think shuldent exist!!!but any way….)and i realy think to look history in the eye is to difficalt for most of the people,especialy for those who never felt that kind of living(and i hope they never will and for those who lost somebody of theyre own).Americans just like all of us will go time after time to wote….and each time we will chose the wrong people becouse ….’couse we re stupid….!
    it doesnt metter who is the evil one and who is the victom…sooner or alter we all are going to be one of this things,and i realy meen ‘things’,if we dont stop whit that bulshit :I am an american ,what about P.Harbur(dont you read enything else but your school-political-manipulated-books!!!????there is a teory that american high level knew what will heppend but they had something else in theiy minds….!!!),what about my uncle died in iraq(when people go in war as solider they know that they will kill or get killed….so stop the winning….i may sound crul but if my father died i would know it his fault to!!)!Or maybee:I am Japanise what about Hiroshima(the same thing to you to….becouse everityng in based on the selfishness of all mankind!Forget it…long time ago….tuff luck,and i am sorry…i get,how do you say it,my skeen gets all ichy when i see or hear that war is happening right now,and somebody got killed or somebody killed somebody and it is legal becouse it is wartime!!!!
    i hope you will understand throw my spelling mestakes…and that you will think about someone else freedom before you reach for something you like….!!!!

  395. DTB says:

    I am embarrassed to have George W. Bush as the President of my country.

  396. thoughtstone says:

    I know, I know ~
    I have not commented in a while and then suddenly there is a random spurt of random info alongside random images of very random things
    kinda like the internet
    ~ been very busy lately and have not made the time to connect ~
    ~katrina set us back a bit and has caused/created time for reflection~
    ~ rita is now brewing just off the gulf coast while the people of this region are still counting their dead, dying and the hundreds of thousands of people that have been directly affected by the nightmare known as katrina ~
    while the people of this region are beginning to recover another storm of possible biblical proportions is beginning to brew just off the gulf coast as it passes between cuba and the key-west of florida
    crossing into the gulf it has been up graded to a category 2 hurricane and its winds have increased as the above average warm waters are feeding its density and strengthening as it gives rita her tell tale eye
    it is possible that rita will become a category 4 by tomorrow
    katrina was a category 5
    the path of rita is texas
    (george bush’s home)
    the heart of the us oil interests is located along the gulf coast
    and has been hit extremely hard where it hurts in its pocketbook
    the majority of the us’s oil refineries are wiped out
    hundreds of thousands of people are unemployed due to hurricane katrina and the cost of home heating oil is going to be incredibly high, so it will be very unaffordable for many people and I think that many people might die as a result this winter, the true effects of hurricane katrina have yet to settle
    many strange things take place in Louisiana, it is a very strange place with a very unique culture that is incredibly steeped in music and literature as well as film and fable
    [[Angel Heart]] is a movie that I highly recommend that you see if you want an idea of just a sample of the type of folk-lore that is conjured up in new orleans, Louisiana
    there are many deals that are made with the devil down there in new orleans
    and it seems that he has come to collect his due
    and a city that is known for its debauchery
    and a country that is known for its dependancy on oil
    (the pdf seems to be missing pages)(I suggest Viewing as HTML)
    ~this is very interesting considering that major us oil interest including the bush administration, decided to shun the kyoto treaty and its ideas of “global warming” ~
    ~the irony of all of this business of war for oil, is that the oil companies and their refineries have been been destroyed as a result of they’re negligence to heed the warnings of global warming, which resulted in warming the waters in the gulf of mexico fueling the energy needed to create the largest natural disaster the us has ever experienced, known as katrina~
    ~ this super natural onslaught can not be denied ~
    ~ the chickens have come home to roost ~
    also Kinzou
    I really enjoyed your lunatic moon photos

  397. jimmy says:

    i think bush fucks his own daughters, apart that he is a fucking pedofile. maybe its because his own dady use to put his cock in litle george ass!!!!!!

  398. jimmy says:

    every body knows that bush was behind sep 11
    and the reason because bin laden havent been catch i say fuck bush bouth senior and feghet one

  399. ApocalypseNow says:


  400. fuckbush123 says:

    fuck bush!

  401. Luke says:

    Right on man! Fuck Bush!

  402. threepeeoh says:
  403. Fuckbushintheass says:


  404. azamura says:

    Thanks Masa,
    I like you web. I support you. Bush is not a godfather but a satanfather. US attack Iraq, attack Afghan and wanted to attack more countries who dont support them. Why Bush only want to attack Islamic Countries? Bust is not transparrent. Look at case beetween Palestine and Israel, what have he done?
    I agreed to fuck bush backside, fuck kerry too. Whoever become US president will be fucked by Israelian. Fuck Jap PM too as he support Bush.
    And fuck all japs girls before been fucked by others. Who want to be fuck, contact me.

  405. Joe says:

    You Jap Bastards attacked us at Pearl Harbor! What a bunch of pussys!!! You tried to get the atom bomb from Germany and had planed to use it on San Fancisco in late Dec 45 but we beat you to the punch. Look at history before you start pointing the finger. Your emporer had already OKED the atom bomb attack on San Fracisco in Feb 45 and the army who were in control of the development of the bomb had been waiting for the Germans to send you 120 kG’s of enriched uranium 238. This on top of the atrocities that you had performed on the Chines and our POW’S. From what you write I see that you are still a bunck of fucking idiots. I lost 2 uncles to your atrocities in the Alutians (an enginer – non cobatant) and in China (preacher- non combatant)! SO FUCK YOU!!!!! Bush may not be perfect but he will always be better than any of you fucks!!!!!!!!

  406. jared says:

    every dog needs a bush hell they gotta go somewere dont they? SO FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  407. furansujin says:

    i’m an european from france and i when i see things about america ,i really dislike so much U.S atitude, how people can love a country like that !!!!
    fuck big and fat guys with cow boy hats and disgusting jacket hawaiian !!! stop opening that horrible food ,full of sugar in bread and that awful coca cola !!! this red and yellow clown made a “fat factory” do the americans want all the world heart attack ??
    fuck that country who just have interest on him and who make a real cult to money,
    and sure especialy fuck bush !!! having this poor guy two times for president is a world insult !!
    country,cars,misery,violence,quest of money,food and…people !! ALL IS FAT AND TOO BIG IN AMERICA fuck that poor american dream were poor people are forced to stay on the town after a typhoon just because poor and blacks (enjoy the awful KKK influence)
    fuck that america and fuck bush !!!!!!!

  408. D.J killaclown says:

    u r rite dude!fuck Bush!also his companions, fuck Tony Blair who love to kill innocent people in middle east.wat can i say man!

  409. Gil says:

    Hey, quit kidding around you guys… We Americans love everybody, and Bush ain’t so bad; I voted for him. Can’t we just get along? There is enough hate in this friggin’ world…

  410. Fernando Hernandez says:

    I love this site!! Its sooo fucking cool. This is what freedom of fucking speech is all fucking about! Oh, and this is for “Gil”…. FUCK U STUPID DUMN ASS! You can take “your bush” and shave it! NO MORE BUSH FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD!!!!!! BUSH IS BAD!!! SAY NO TO BUSH!!! FUCK YOU MR. BUSH! YOUR NOT MY PRESIDENT!

  411. AleXxX says:

    I gotta agree I Hate Bush to…. Invading a country just to steal their Oil!!!!! Fucking Asshole… “Bush: Oh look Maybe North Korea has Weapons of mass destruction to!!! *Rubbing his hands*” Thats the Image I see before me when I think of Bush…!! Am I Right???