P.S. Dont run away from your life nor avoid, bum investor message

masamania Uncategorized


No people pay attention to him. this is the reason I became curious to him. He maybe homeless. he wear dirty cloth. he seem to be stinky. and what’s a fucking crap he has. It seemed a wire doll baddly made by hand. Why did he have such thing ? my curiosity grow. and when i find out some lyric on his back, my curiosity became max. it say……..

Humbly state.

Dont forget to divise to anything.

Scratch your head for anything.

Think up good idea for difficult problem

Idea is thinking. You must get it from intuition.

invention and discovery is in curiosity.

There is eye on the storn, There are vital point in diamond

Feed eye for judging human, and things.

important point is where you see.

Yours ever

P.S. Dont run away from your life nor avoid.

Take a step forword, and run toward good direction, right direction and bright direction,


this is message written on back of his jacket by hand.

Apearently he is not so important person nor great person. rather he must be freaky bum who write down poem on his back of wear if he is not baseball or succer fan who boast hand writing of famous player on his shirts.

But after I read it, he seem to be great inventer. His doll seem to be crap, but it could be incredibly advanced robot.




  1. Shane says:

    His jacket message is for all the people who are slaves to “brand name” clothing and expensive labels. He is like a travelling philospher of life and his street-art dolls are friends that will not betray him.

  2. metalhead says:

    He is definitely an eccentric fellow. Beautiful pictures, thankyou masa

  3. Anonymous says:

    He must be a “Dharma Bum”.

  4. balex says:

    Masa is it cool to be homeless, wear dirty cloth and be crap in Japan?
    ===================From MasaManiA
    To be homeless is cool, especially in winter

  5. GGG says:

    It’s nice to see you back.

  6. Jonas says:

    Japan seriously needs some socialism…

  7. McIver says:

    Being homeless is tough because you have no roof over your head and you don’t know where your next meal is coming from.
    It’s still probailly better then being a salaryman. The homeless don’t have to kiss their boss’s ass, work until they literally pass out, buy their kids crap they don’t really need, wake up early in the morning, go to bed at four o’clock in the morning, never have time lay back and think, never have time to enjoy life, obsess over what other people think about you, ect, ect.
    Sometimes I wonder which life is really worst. The life of a bum or the life of a salaryman.

  8. turdburglar says:

    Thanks for the pictures. We all focus on ourselves most of the time but sometimes a person like this can make our thoughts turn outward for a brief time.

  9. Kenji says:

    hhahaha, true, McIver…

  10. RIII says:

    I think I act in homeless ways cuz I ration my money ;_; in insane ways. Should I get that $1.00 small bowl o oatmeal at school or spend $3.25 on a crap burrito at school. I feel a little bit of his struggle. I like how human that guy is btw.

  11. fishegg says:

    Masa is this one of your best yet! Great eye…

  12. axl says:

    i think it’s really interesting that a homeless guy could have something important och meaningfull to say to all the peopla who ignore him, if they would just listen to him.

  13. Erica says:

    i feel sorry for the old man he could die any day and not be in his safe house

  14. MustelaFuro says:

    Aww, it’s so sad really. I think homeless people should be hired as teachers to teach about life lessons. After all, they can surely offer advice and view points that few others could.
    You should have invited to stay at your place Masa. Or maybe treat him to lunch. He could probably give you a great conversation.

  15. shouriwa says:

    I wish I could write like he does

  16. pm says:

    I think this homeless dude needs to take some of his own medicine, it’s easy to give out good advice, not so easy to do it yourself!!

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