Crystal has a misterious power.
Fortune teller say he can see the fortune more clearly by being helped by crystal. Crystal seem to handle us by its mysterious power. and he also seem to be handled by crystal.
But in case of this person, No, He handle crystal.
It’s completely mysterious street performance !
This time I ready for movie for you. See the movie of his performance, completely
this image is photoshopped. but movie is not.
Here is movie
misterious Crystal handler ! Quick time 2.99MB
Thanks to Mr.Buko for help !!
An intressting entertainer, but does everyone believe a word he says when it comes to the ‘powers of his crystal ball’? Quick question, are people in Japan supertitious?
=============from MasaManiA
I dont know
whoooo MASA! THAT ROCKS! You should take more pics of street performers~! ^ – ^
That guy is no “Cleo” I bet he cant tell the future with a Jamaican accent when he is not Jamaican! Loser!
thanks masa. I’m really glad I got to see that. I’m gonna go practice now ^_^
theres a guy named Micheal Motion (real name) that has actually gotten quite famus with that type of thing. only i’ve seen him do it with up to 8 crystal balls at once….. (in part of his act any way)
==================From MasaManiA
Thank you for your information !
Crystal Boy is CUTE!
If you go check out you’ll see another crystal juggler. He also does statuism too ^_^.
Wow, that’s really amazing! I agree, he’s a cutie!
now if that guy was dressed up as david bowie from the labyrinth…
That guys hat makes him look like an asshole
woops i got his name wrong. its MICHAEL MOSCHEN
a pic of him with crystal balls
============-from MasaManiA
WOW, thank you for your helpful information !
It’s really realy amazing !
yeah the guy that did that in labyrinth was michael moschen
I had some friends back in Seattle that used to do that. They called it “contact juggling”
This.. guy.. don’t happen to have an email-adress? Me like him. *nosebleed*
===========from MasaManiA
Yes, I want to know too, but I dont know.
I saw this guy in Harajuku a few weeks ago and he is amazing! If you’ve ever been to a rave and seen someone do hand flow movements then you know what I mean. Clever usage of an object that is symetrical in shape and color.
Cool preformance, foxy dude, I dig it muchly.
Oh, and Masa your English fucking rocks.
That’s very cool masa. thanx.
hmmm. I noticed he has earphones on. I wonder what he’s listening to…
=========from MasaManiA
Me too
Wow. I practice this (contact juggling) at home, too. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a Japanese person doing it. I should go to Harajuku and check him out. I was actually in Tokyo that week, I could have seen you taking his picture.
I once had a jewish girlfriend that used to rub my testicles in this manner, with a very similar impassioned look in her eyes as she would rub and stroke me, she was very talented, but sadly very psychotic as well, but very good in bed though!
=======from MasaManiA
Why you tell me such things ? Do you want me to do that ?
That is awesome. ^_^ Wow!
It is contact juggling, also called sphereplay. See – Increasingly popular in U.S.
========from MasaManiA
THank you for your information